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Government Ministers laugh as they make the poor poorer

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If ever there is an image that should haunt this wretched Government then this is it.


Without wanting to debate the rights and wrongs of this decision (as other threads do this) surely a bit of humility was appropriate as they hammer the poor.



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10 million families worse off, most of them hard-working.


By DWP's own admission the poorest will be hit hardest.


It's a laugh innit.


It's a game to them. A game to all the parties cocooned in a bubble in Westminster

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The article is a bit foamy at mouth. It reads like the guy has never watched a debate in parliment before. They're all like that if it's a full house.


I agree. Regardless of party, there are some who whoop and laugh at any opportunity in Parliament. Its like watching a load of ill mannered kids.

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The article is a bit foamy at mouth. It reads like the guy has never watched a debate in parliment before. They're all like that if it's a full house.


Spot on. I record PM's Qs and regardless of whatever is being asked or answered they behave like a pack of braying dogs.

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Spot on. I record PM's Qs and regardless of whatever is being asked or answered they behave like a pack of braying dogs.


You'd think that they might be able to recognise the times when it really isn't appropriate to behave like that though.

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"We get the government we deserve". Whoever voted for this shower I do not know. I think Cameron wants to go down in history as being worse than Maggie. Clegg and Osborn are too thick to get the joke. Cameron surrounds himself with idiots to make himself look intelligent. All he needs is Duncan Smith and he will look like Einstein.......

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You'd think that they might be able to recognise the times when it really isn't appropriate to behave like that though.


You would think that, but they never do, across party lines. The most "dignified" moment in parliament I can remember was Ian "never never never" Paisley commiserating Tony "massive war criminal" Blair on the 7/7 attacks. Tells you all we need to know.

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