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Government Ministers laugh as they make the poor poorer

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Its always the poor who get to shoulder the blame when the establishment and their banker friends mess up,I cant recal ANY bankers going to jail over this mess can you?

Still like Nimrod said you get what you vote for,the sooner this shower are gone the better,mind you looking at liebours policies on workfare ie slave labour there doesnt seem much of a choice.

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Its always the poor who get to shoulder the blame when the establishment and their banker friends mess up,I cant recal ANY bankers going to jail over this mess can you?

Still like Nimrod said you get what you vote for,the sooner this shower are gone the better,mind you looking at liebours policies on workfare ie slave labour there doesnt seem much of a choice.


Looks like the only option is a revolution then.

Im up for it, anyone care to join me?

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Looks like the only option is a revolution then.

Im up for it, anyone care to join me?


Let's do it.


I'll hold the coats and be the strategic mastermind, if that's ok.:)

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Wouldnt it be great if the masses rose up and took back their country from the liars and crooks we have now.


I do think the Tories have gone way too far this time. They just can't help themselves.


In two years time Labour will be producing posters of Tories and LibDems laughing together. It will be just at the time the benefits cuts start to bite.


Cameron is going to be one of the most disliked PMs ever. The LibDems will be totally wiped out.

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Yeah but when that happens (if successful) the winners become the rich and liars keeping the masses down. It's always happened that way and always will.


Yeah it has. But rarely this brazenly and rarely have they looked like they were having so much fun doing it.

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I do think the Tories have gone way too far this time. They just can't help themselves.


In two years time Labour will be producing posters of Tories and LibDems laughing together. It will be just at the time the benefits cuts start to bite.


Cameron is going to be one of the most disliked PMs ever. The LibDems will be totally wiped out.


They wont care.

They will be even more stinking rich and probably wont even live in the UK any more

Theyll live on some exclusive Caribbean island or be the middle east envoy or something.

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