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It looks like the BNP are right after all

White British minority - do you care?  

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  1. 1. White British minority - do you care?

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we plough hundreds of millions into giving foreign aid yet our pensioners (the very people who have spent a lifetime contributing to the system) struggle to warm their homes, we let 150,000+ per year into the country, not counting the illegal immigrants. how long do we expect this to carry on? serious question.


the white british working class built the foundations of what we have today, and while im all in favour of charity, at this point in time we need to start looking after our own british citizens be it white, black, brown or blue that are here.


Actually you're quite wrong, this is the emotional rhetoric of the far right.


I'm afraid the 'our pensioners' never contributed enough into the system that they're the beneficiaries of now, they're being subsidised enormously by people working NOW of all ethnic persuasions.


When Beverige proposed the formation of a comprehensive welfare state, the government actuaries who calculated the funding requirement made several gross errors. They didn't take full account of increasing life expectancy, lower retirement ages and the falling birth rate. Families typically had 3/4 children and you were expected to die soon after you retired at 65.


So the irony is that our working young are looking at a future with severely restricted pensions, health and social care because their tax contributions are being used to prop up the pensions, health and social care of those in retirement now.


Ps: I think you'll find that citizens of the former Commonwealth and immigrants from other countries had a significant hand in building the foundations of what we have today (both good & bad).

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like iv said, i welcome anybody to this country that is willing to intergrate (alot do not want to intergrate with us) and adapt to the british way of life, work hard and pay into the system.


but the sole reason that some come to britain, is to claim from the state and be housed or to provide cheap labour, we are in deep recession, how long are we suppose to welcome the worlds unfortunate into britain.


You criticise people for not wanting to work hard and then criticise them for providing cheap labour. I'm sure people who provide cheap labour would rather provide expensive labour and earn a lot more money. A lot of people providing cheap labour are doing jobs people born here won't do as they consider it beneath them even though they're not qualified to do much else.

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I'm sure you would have been a lot happier living under a Greater German Reich than I would have been. Your comparison of Hitler and Islam lets Hitler off the hook a bit although I accept that you people on the far right like to downplay Hitler's evil in order not to frighten the British people through your ideas of Aryan supremacy. Hitler was a Christian who emphasised his faith and didn't mind invading other Christian countries. He's not the only Christian either to have ago at world domination. Islam doesn't have an equivalent of Hitler as much as the far right like to think it does.


Really..tell that to the Jews

Tell me why does your paranoia stretch to thinking that all people who question Islam and immigration have to be rabid BNP and far right supporters,it seems as well as being ultra paranoiac you seem to suffer word blindness to suit,I suggest you refer back to my posts that refer to my thoughts on the BNP and cohorts and read them and somehow memorise them ,or would that interfere with your attempted point scoring as you see it.That skinhead must have given you one hell of a slap.

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Boy Friday, how can you justify the foreign aid we give, fair comment the government got life expectancy wrong, but why not use the money we send abroad to look after our own economy and struggling British citizens old and young, black or white.


And what industries did these immigrants work in that helped build the foundations of what we enjoy today, coal, construction, steel, I don't think so. like said I welcome/welcomed anyone who has put in, help Britain past or present. But the fact is that some people come here to bleed the country dry, and manipulate the benefit system.


Answer this. When does it stop, when do we say enough is enough, or do we just carry on giving out money, housing, aid to everyone, do you think we would receive such generosity if the boot was on the other foot so to say.


La maquis - cheap foreign labour has damaged the construction industry and drove the labour costs down, undercutting British construction workers, sending money home, living 8-9 people in a 3 bed house (iv seen it with my very own eyes) its not integration and does nothing but cause frustration and upset within the working class British men who have to compete with this.


If people wish to live/move here I have no problem. Just respect the British way of life, contribute to the system.

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I'm sure you would have been a lot happier living under a Greater German Reich than I would have been. Your comparison of Hitler and Islam lets Hitler off the hook a bit although I accept that you people on the far right like to downplay Hitler's evil in order not to frighten the British people through your ideas of Aryan supremacy. Hitler was a Christian who emphasised his faith and didn't mind invading other Christian countries. He's not the only Christian either to have ago at world domination. Islam doesn't have an equivalent of Hitler as much as the far right like to think it does.


Islam does have an equivalent. He was an evil warlord called Muhammad.

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Boy Friday, how can you justify the foreign aid we give, fair comment the government got life expectancy wrong, but why not use the money we send abroad to look after our own economy and struggling British citizens old and young, black or white.


And what industries did these immigrants work in that helped build the foundations of what we enjoy today, coal, construction, steel, I don't think so. like said I welcome/welcomed anyone who has put in, help Britain past or present. But the fact is that some people come here to bleed the country dry, and manipulate the benefit system.


Answer this. When does it stop, when do we say enough is enough, or do we just carry on giving out money, housing, aid to everyone, do you think we would receive such generosity if the boot was on the other foot so to say.


La maquis - cheap foreign labour has damaged the construction industry and drove the labour costs down, undercutting British construction workers, sending money home, living 8-9 people in a 3 bed house (iv seen it with my very own eyes) its not integration and does nothing but cause frustration and upset within the working class British men who have to compete with this.


If people wish to live/move here I have no problem. Just respect the British way of life, contribute to the system.


Not an English story but I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't apply here.


Illegal immigrants used as car wash slaves


They are popping up every where.

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Is this aimed at me green web, as I have said, you are not allowed a negative opinion on immigration without being branded a racist.


I have no idea who stormfront are, I joined this forum to find a local painter.

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