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It looks like the BNP are right after all

White British minority - do you care?  

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  1. 1. White British minority - do you care?

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You do know Muslims can`t go around telling people what to do on the street don`t you?

Nobody can, but it doesnt stop (some) Muslims, white folks and black ones from doing it...and they're committing a criminal offence in doing so. What we dont know is what happened to the offenders in the clip you posted a link to.


You do know sharia law has no legal standing whatsoever in Britain don`t you?

I'm not in the slightest interested whether it does or it doesn't, if some people choose to live according to that code that's their business.


I have no idea why you brought football into it. If its a criminal matter it gets dealt with by the courts. I don`t see the FA jailing lots of footballers either.

Ding! The penny dropped.


How many physical assaults on footballers happen every week on football pitches and how many end up in a criminal court? They're (generally) dealt with by the FA, a sharia court doesn't even have that degree of jurisdiction.

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Nobody can, but it doesnt stop (some) Muslims, white folks and black ones from doing it...and they're committing a criminal offence in doing so. What we dont know is what happened to the offenders in the clip you posted a link to.


I'm not in the slightest interested whether it does or it doesn't, if some people choose to live according to that code that's their business.


Ding! The penny dropped.


How many physical assaults on footballers happen every week on football pitches and how many end up in a criminal court? They're (generally) dealt with by the FA, a sharia court doesn't even have that degree of jurisdiction.


Really? Its their business and no one else`s? What about all the people who are urged into the local sharia court to save their family shame and get no justice whatsoever. The women live in fear, get intimidated by the community and dare not speak out.


Under Sharia law a father who divorces his wife can claim custody of his children once they reach the age of seven. Great for the children I`m sure you agree. No picking the best suited parent.


Are you really comparing the FA to sharia law?


The FA do disciplinary matters only. Law courts deal with anything criminal. Local Sharia law courts deal with everything they can in their communities. In other words they hold kangaroo trials with no legal basis.


That should make it other peoples business.


One suffered such severe domestic violence that she was hospitalised. She was pressured by her family not to seek help from the police as this would bring “shame” on the community. She went to the local Sharia court or council and was told to return to her husband. She did so and suffered more domestic violence. Then her husband divorced her, went back to his country of origin and returned with a second wife. As a devout Muslim, she wanted a religious divorce to allow her to remarry in accordance with her faith but the Sharia court demanded her marriage certificate which her husband’s family kept. Attempts to retrieve it resulted in violence in the name of “honour”, as she was blamed for bringing shame on the family by seeking a divorce. Seven years later this devout and desperately lonely Muslim lady is still unable to obtain her divorce and remarry.
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Really? Its their business and no one else`s? What about all the people who are urged into the local sharia court to save their family shame and get no justice whatsoever. The women live in fear, get intimidated by the community and dare not speak out.


Under Sharia law a father who divorces his wife can claim custody of his children once they reach the age of seven. Great for the children I`m sure you agree. No picking the best suited parent.


Are you really comparing the FA to sharia law?


The FA do disciplinary matters only. Law courts deal with anything criminal. Local Sharia law courts deal with everything they can in their communities. In other words they hold kangaroo trials with no legal basis.


That should make it other peoples business.

The arranged and forced Marriage imposed on young girls in certain Countries inc England is nothing less than slavery and at its worse rape. Under English law that is.

Sharia Law well thats a law unto its self.

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The establishment used all it's resources to destroy the BNP and it succeeded. Now we have UKIP who are very electable and will be a real force in the future. EX BNP voters will vote UKIP along with many many others who would never have voted BNP. The establishment shot itself in the foot.


The real face of Ukip= http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/ugly-face-of-ukip-sunday-mirror-1531879

Ukip is a party of educated bigots/racists etc imo

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Here's a thread from today where the poster seems to believe immigrants are all of a particular type..as I said the dimwits are there, and you don't have to look far to find them



It didn't come across like that to me; they just appear to be confused on the difference between an immigrant and an asylum seeker.


I'm happy to discuss the disadvantages, in fact I agreed with one which Tony mentioned earlier (bogus FE colleges which offer courses to foreigners), but I've yet to see the detractors want to engage meaningfully and productively in dialogue about the negatives AND positives regarding immigration.

That's fine, at least you acknowledge there are advantages.


I think it would be impossible to have immigration without problems too. The people who make up immigrants are all individuals, yet they're seen as a homogeneous group but they have their own needs, wants and aspirations. Just like the rest of us they want the best for themselves but their circumstances won't be identical and will be subject to change..that you can't legislate for.


I agree, I just don't agree the benifits outways the disadvantages.




I also strongly believe that there should be humanitarian consideration given to genuine refugees and like many tax payers am happy some of my tax is used to support them..yet some people moan about the little that is given to asylum seekers.

I agree but again think the majority taking the pisss spoils it for the minority of genuine asylum seeks, which is of cause the fault of government.

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"White Britons Now A Minority In Leicester, Luton and Slough..."


Oh well, we shouldn't complain should we. After all we will be marked as being racist for doing so. Unless of course the complaint comes from the majority.:hihi:


---------- Post added 18-01-2013 at 05:19 ----------


How you feel about all this depends a lot on how old you are....the young have never known a Britain where a black or brown face was rare. To see how it was, you really have to view those old films where there were crowds. The cheering public outside Buckingham palace on VE day is a prime example. Those that say the influx of so many foreigners hasn't made a negative difference to this country must live in a fantasy world. Even today we are seeing in the news that one member of parliament wants to bribe people who live close to the green belt so that more housing can be built. That is total madness because once green belt land is built on, it's lost forever and it's only the pressure of population growth that there are people in government who are pushing to destroy our once green country. I have to ask, when does one stop building............is it when the country is full of houses spewing out polution and if not houses, concrete for roads etc. I weep for the memory of this country as it was when I was a child and it's hardly any wonder at the numbers of white British people that are leaving the country for good.

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I weep for the memory of this country as it was when I was a child and it's hardly any wonder at the numbers of white British people that are leaving the country for good.




I'd seen you as a somewhat less sentimental and emotional character, able and capable of moving with time. Apologies, must have been thinking about someone else.

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Really? Its their business and no one else`s? What about all the people who are urged into the local sharia court to save their family shame and get no justice whatsoever. The women live in fear, get intimidated by the community and dare not speak out.


Under Sharia law a father who divorces his wife can claim custody of his children once they reach the age of seven. Great for the children I`m sure you agree. No picking the best suited parent.

Thanks for all that you seem well versed in sharia law, but have cherry picked the excesses of it, but what you fail to appreciate is that English law is pre-eminent and both parties have recourse to it. Nobody's condoning bad treatment of anybody, but women are bullied and abused in non Muslim communities as well, that requires a change of attitude.

The FA do disciplinary matters only. Law courts deal with anything criminal. Local Sharia law courts deal with everything they can in their communities. In other words they hold kangaroo trials with no legal basis.

You do know that assaulting someone is a criminal, not civil offence?

That should make it other peoples business.

So you believe you should interfere in the FA's business?
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"White Britons Now A Minority In Leicester, Luton and Slough...".

I weep for the memory of this country as it was when I was a child and it's hardly any wonder at the numbers of white British people that are leaving the country for good.


It must be the fault of all those white people leaving then. Swines.


"The cheering public outside Buckingham palace on VE day is a prime example.


Whisper it softly but it's not 1945 anymore. The Empire has gone. Young people are into drugs, rebellion and rock'n'roll music. And Churchill is dead. You need to come to terms with these developments. Don't worry though as the NHS is only 3 years away and the Windrush is on its way so that nurses can work in it and bus drivers can get us there.


"Those that say the influx of so many foreigners hasn't made a negative difference to this country must live in a fantasy world. Even today we are seeing in the news that one member of parliament wants to bribe people who live close to the green belt so that more housing can be built.


So there was no parliamentary corruption before immigration, eh? Never heard of rotten boroughs. Never heard that most people, including all women, didn't get the vote till after 1918?

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"White Britons Now A Minority In Leicester, Luton and Slough..."


Oh well, we shouldn't complain should we. After all we will be marked as being racist for doing so. Unless of course the complaint comes from the majority.:hihi:


---------- Post added 18-01-2013 at 05:19 ----------


How you feel about all this depends a lot on how old you are....the young have never known a Britain where a black or brown face was rare. To see how it was, you really have to view those old films where there were crowds. The cheering public outside Buckingham palace on VE day is a prime example. Those that say the influx of so many foreigners hasn't made a negative difference to this country must live in a fantasy world. Even today we are seeing in the news that one member of parliament wants to bribe people who live close to the green belt so that more housing can be built. That is total madness because once green belt land is built on, it's lost forever and it's only the pressure of population growth that there are people in government who are pushing to destroy our once green country. I have to ask, when does one stop building............is it when the country is full of houses spewing out polution and if not houses, concrete for roads etc. I weep for the memory of this country as it was when I was a child and it's hardly any wonder at the numbers of white British people that are leaving the country for good.


Re my bold.


I was born in 1946 and raised in a mining village not a million miles away from here. Being the eldest of 6 children I was regularly sent to my grandparents house at weekends and school holidays to give my mother a bit of a break.

The only black faces I ever saw were on the telly in movies and as kids we were always threatened that if we misbehaved the black man would come and take us away and eat us. You may well laugh at this but let me tell you that these threats went deep into the mind of an impressionable young raggy-arsed urchin.

My grandparents lived in Hexthorpe in Doncaster and in 1955 when I was 9 years of age I saw my first black face in the flesh. I was sitting on the trolley bus on my way home when the Plant Works spewed out the thousands of workers there and this chap came upstairs and sat next to me on the front seat (I always sat there with my stick-on steering wheel because I liked to drive).

I was absolutely terrified and ran off the bus at the next stop and ran all the way home crying my eyes out and visibly shaking. Needless to say my grandma went into hysterics when I calmed down long enough to explain my terror.

Looking back from the perspective I now have as a grown man I can laugh myself whilst also recognising the attitudes I had as a nine year old are still prevalent today judging by some of the garbage I've read on here from certain posters.

As we get older and develop our understanding our horizons become broader and we begin to see the nonsense contained in blind fear and hatred.

This clearly does not apply to a hard core of posters who feel naked without their prejudices and the opportunity to express them so freely on a public forum.

Before anyone accuses me otherwise let me state clearly that I recognise there is an immigration problem. This need not mean that the "bottom feeding" attitudes posted here have any place in a compassionate society based on opinions founded in fact not fiction.


Long winded I know, thanks for persevering.

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