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It looks like the BNP are right after all

White British minority - do you care?  

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  1. 1. White British minority - do you care?

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Where has he stated it as a fact ?


As you obviously can't read it's the bit that says;


"Wanting to free one's country from the vermin that do this sort of thing........" rather than have been accused of doing that sort of thing.


Ooooh! How brave of you! Pop over, I'll polish your halo for you.


I'm sure the BBC are FAR more aware of the legal niceities than someone like you.


A lot of people like you who can't accept that paedophiles can be white were polishing Jimmy Savile's halo rather than investigating him for paedophilia. The BBC link is the report of an ongoing trial. If and when they've been found guilty then lay into them. In the meantime idiots like you can jeopardise a fair trial by commenting on sub judice cases.

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Mass immigration has destroyed the lives of the white working class. The New liberal left (as opposed to traditional labour which was socially conservative and represented the interests of the working class ) has done more damage to the social fabric of this country than a thousand Maggies.


Mass immigration into the UK has got little to do with the "left"; it is large companies like Amazon etc that have lobbied successive governments to be loose on immigration for the cheap labour.


The expansion of the EU to include eastern european countries, and soon Turkey, was probably due to pressure from large companies operating in western europe.


All the "left" do regarding immigrants is defend them from, lets say, misguided people, that attack and blame immigrants for taking jobs and keeping wages low etc.

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The expansion of the EU to include eastern european countries, and soon Turkey, was probably due to pressure from large companies operating in western europe.


The expansion of the EU eastwards was to take in ex-communist countries that had become free market economies. Some countries initially didn't allow in A8 citizens to work. Germany and Austria didn't let them work till 2011. There was a join the club mentatlity in the ex-communist states, a feeling that they were now free nations and wanted to become entrenched with the west. The west reciprocated but some countries protected their labour markets. The UK under Blair didn't.

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I don’t buy the “Multi-culturalism enriches us” myth.


I don’t want to live a multi-cultural society.


I don’t have a fundamental objection to immigration, if (and ONLY if) it is to the benefit of the indigenous population.


However, anyone that elects to come to this country should be able to speak our language, integrate TOTALLY and obey our laws and customs.


Anyone failing to do any of these, or who ceases to be of benefit to our country should be instantly repatriated to the country from whence they arrived upon our shores.


Additionally, anyone born here that chooses not to identify with the indigenous culture should be offered the chance to voluntarily leave for the country that they do identify with, and if they subsequently indulge in any act in any manner that is to the detriment of this country, they should be forcibly remove to a country that closer suits their ideals.


To dismiss such views as “bottom feeding” is sanctimonious, trite and naive.



Maybe, if were were a little less tolerant of these people we would have less wholesale grooming of our daughters, less honour killings and less mutilation of their children.


Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they're open! :gag:

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And empty vessels make the most noise.


And you are making plenty with your bigoted ideas. Opinions such as those you have espoused are the product of a poor mind.

Ill informed, ignorant claptrap!

What you have described as being core values of Britishness betray your lack of historical education and understanding.

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The only black faces I ever saw were on the telly in movies and as kids we were always threatened that if we misbehaved the black man would come and take us away and eat us. You may well laugh at this but let me tell you that these threats went deep into the mind of an impressionable young raggy-arsed urchin.
Brilliant :hihi:..when I was growing up my grandparents told me if I didn't finish my dinner, I'd be taken to Hexthorpe to pick out a nice plump white boy ;)

My grandparents lived in Hexthorpe in Doncaster and in 1955 when I was 9 years of age I saw my first black face in the flesh. I was sitting on the trolley bus on my way home when the Plant Works spewed out the thousands of workers there and this chap came upstairs and sat next to me on the front seat (I always sat there with my stick-on steering wheel because I liked to drive).

I was absolutely terrified and ran off the bus at the next stop and ran all the way home crying my eyes out and visibly shaking. Needless to say my grandma went into hysterics when I calmed down long enough to explain my terror. Looking back from the perspective I now have as a grown man I can laugh myself whilst also recognising the attitudes I had as a nine year old are still prevalent today judging by some of the garbage I've read on here from certain posters.

As we get older and develop our understanding our horizons become broader and we begin to see the nonsense contained in blind fear and hatred.

Wonderful reflections Swami, I'd never really thought about it from the white perspective as a child but it's not hard to imagine why many white adults have a natural disquiet around black people, you'd almost been conditioned to be so!


I remember the US cop shows and films of the 70's, blacks were invariably portrayed as drug dealers, pimps and prostitutes (sadly some blacks also chose to believe the stereotype) or conversely they were benign characters like that Afro headed dipstick who was employed to push Ironside round in his wheelchair :hihi: How different things might have been if the young of the 50', 60's had been told black folks were exotic, erudite creatures ;)



Long winded I know, thanks for persevering.

It was a pleasure :)


---------- Post added 18-01-2013 at 16:58 ----------


Also- it seems to me that the stated aims of multiculturalism are self defeating- the world is a world full of unique cultures, histories and traditions that people might want to preserve- when you mix them you don't actually have multiculturalism, you have monoculture.

What 'stated aims'? Multiculturism is an organic process, not a social experiment that people take part in and follow some instruction manual.


If I wake up in the morning and my new neighbour is Chinese, I'll say hello and shake his hand. If he's a nice bloke and regards me the same way then there might be more social interaction, I'll learn about him and his culture and he'll learn about mine..my god before we know it we've turned all 'multicultural'!


It doesn't mean his culture can't remain 'unique', nor mine..we will still maintain an interest in our respective cultures which we seek to preserve, that doesn't mean he has to be excluded from mine though.


Why do you feel so threatened? You can associate with whoever you want to, personally I've more in common with a white Sheffielder, than I have a black (or white) Londoner, yet you would tell me that's a bad thing.


Do you know what you are johncocker? Do you know what the influences have been over the centuries that have shaped the product of what you are now?

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I remember the US cop shows and films of the 70's, blacks were invariably portrayed as drug dealers, pimps and prostitutes (sadly some blacks also chose to believe the stereotype) or conversely they were benign characters like that Afro headed dipstick who was employed to push Ironside round in his wheelchair :hihi: How different things might have been if the young of the 50', 60's had been told black folks were exotic, erudite creatures


I too found those shows racist through stereotyping. That's why I got into the Black And White Minstrels instead. Today's Saturday night TV could learn a lot.

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Re my bold.


I was born in 1946 and raised in a mining village not a million miles away from here. Being the eldest of 6 children I was regularly sent to my grandparents house at weekends and school holidays to give my mother a bit of a break.

The only black faces I ever saw were on the telly in movies and as kids we were always threatened that if we misbehaved the black man would come and take us away and eat us. You may well laugh at this but let me tell you that these threats went deep into the mind of an impressionable young raggy-arsed urchin.

My grandparents lived in Hexthorpe in Doncaster and in 1955 when I was 9 years of age I saw my first black face in the flesh. I was sitting on the trolley bus on my way home when the Plant Works spewed out the thousands of workers there and this chap came upstairs and sat next to me on the front seat (I always sat there with my stick-on steering wheel because I liked to drive).

I was absolutely terrified and ran off the bus at the next stop and ran all the way home crying my eyes out and visibly shaking. Needless to say my grandma went into hysterics when I calmed down long enough to explain my terror.

Looking back from the perspective I now have as a grown man I can laugh myself whilst also recognising the attitudes I had as a nine year old are still prevalent today judging by some of the garbage I've read on here from certain posters.

As we get older and develop our understanding our horizons become broader and we begin to see the nonsense contained in blind fear and hatred.

This clearly does not apply to a hard core of posters who feel naked without their prejudices and the opportunity to express them so freely on a public forum.

Before anyone accuses me otherwise let me state clearly that I recognise there is an immigration problem. This need not mean that the "bottom feeding" attitudes posted here have any place in a compassionate society based on opinions founded in fact not fiction.


Long winded I know, thanks for persevering.

I missed this earlier, and it still happens today. My sister is white, middle class and fairly left leaning. She lives in a rural, posh (well she like to think so;)) and its all fairly white bar a couple of Asian kids who go to her kids school.


Anyway, kid 2, needed the doctors and rather than cuddly middle aged white doctor it was a substitute. A very black, very large, African doctor with a strong accent. According to my sister, kid2 was sat wide eyed, opened mouthed for the entire consultation. Kid2 (aged 6?) isn't a racist and neither was my mortified sister. It was just massively different to everyone she knew.

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Anyway, kid 2, needed the doctors and rather than cuddly middle aged white doctor it was a substitute. A very black, very large, African doctor with a strong accent. According to my sister, kid2 was sat wide eyed, opened mouthed for the entire consultation. Kid2 (aged 6?) isn't a racist and neither was my mortified sister. It was just massively different to everyone she knew.


Yes, but said African was really imagining what sickly child would like poking out from an oven bottomed breadcake ;)

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