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It looks like the BNP are right after all

White British minority - do you care?  

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  1. 1. White British minority - do you care?

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So your attitude is dont worry about 6 million people/families being unemployed?Ship some more in!

No doubt you Think they are all lazy.

If the question was aimed at me -

No, we don't "ship them in". They're allowed economic migration because of the EU and they come here, or they apply for working VISAs and they come here. They haven't been "shipped in" since the Windrush - when Britain went out to it's empire and invited people to come here.


Secondly, I never said they are all lazy. You've made that up, for whatever reason.

If they want to benefit from the economy then they should become shareholders and be happy because while many are struggling to afford to eat its ok

It isn't that simple. I don't have all the answers. There is indeed a level of poverty that exists where people can't afford to eat. I don't agree with a conclusion that places that problem squarely at the feet of immigrants though.

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i) Plenty do but the opportunities aren't there.


ii)Plenty of those as well that aren't given the opertuanty.


iii)Only a problem because it’s cheaper to exploit trained staff from abroad, we would cope and train out own staff if there wasn't a supply trained staff ready to leave their country to come here.


iv) That is a problem which was only caused because it was cheaper to exploit staff from other countries, but we should start to train our own and become more self sufficient and allow the other countries to benefit from their trained staff.


Bang on!


We are the laughing stock of the world.


No other country steps on the own to help others but we do,but its worse than that while taking the opertunaties away from them we then generalise and call them names.

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If the question was aimed at me -

No, we don't "ship them in". They're allowed economic migration because of the EU and they come here, or they apply for working VISAs and they come here. They haven't been "shipped in" since the Windrush - when Britain went out to it's empire and invited people to come here.


Secondly, I never said they are all lazy. You've made that up, for whatever reason.


It isn't that simple. I don't have all the answers. There is indeed a level of poverty that exists where people can't afford to eat. I don't agree with a conclusion that places that problem squarely at the feet of immigrants though.


I not long ago worked for a company that employed about a 1,000 workers.About 800 were foriegners.Who do you think would be doing them jobs if it wasnt for the immigrants.Do you think the job wouldnt be getting done?Of course it would and was.English people struggle to be employed there now not just because the wages are now very low but because now its easier to employ people who speak the same language as the rest which unfortunatly is no longer English.That is why some are employed into management so that the upper management have a link to their workers.

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Of course they do, but if you look at the age demographic of immigrants it's much lower than that of the indigenous population, it stands to reason because immigrants coming to the UK now are doing so to work, so have to be of working age. What you also forget is that many immigrants come here then retire to their native countries. The vast majority of the Jamaican members of my own family did just that.

Not all immigrants come here to work, they don't all work in skilled jobs or the NHS, the majority are low paid, low skilled and contribute very little, and how does taking their saving and pensions back to their country of origin benefit the UK?



I think you're guilty of seeing what you want to see and having a subconscious blind eye to that you don't.
I could say the same for you.



Which takes me back to my point about the age profile of immigrants coming into this country today.

Well here's an old article from the Independent, that says half of doctors registering in the UK are of foreign descent.




This article also should interest you, the forecast is for the NHS to LOSE doctors who go to work abroad for various reasons.



They apear to support what I've been saying


Because of the shortage of those qualified in this country.

The British Medical Association has warned the Government that the National Health Service is becoming dangerously reliant on foreign doctors and is urging immediate action to reverse the trend.


The NHS faces “a massive potential loss” of junior doctors overseas due to plummeting morale caused by problems with training



Do you know why this happens? Because people are understandably reluctant to move to where the jobs are, so wait for vacancies to arise in their home towns. Immigrant labour tends to go where the work is and is easier to manage and can be disposed of when contracts terminate.


Nonsense, I know several unemployed NHS staff that have applied for jobs all over the country.

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I not long ago worked for a company that employed about a 1,000 workers.About 800 were foriegners.Who do you think would be doing them jobs if it wasnt for the immigrants.

I don't know what the job was. I couldn't say who would do them.


I work for a company that employs thousands of people, and I know ... 3 immigrants. 1 is a Polish lady that moved here with her British husband, so I presume she is planning on living here a long time.

Do you think the job wouldnt be getting done?

I dunno. Don't know what the job is.

English people struggle to be employed there now not just because the wages are now very low but because now its easier to employ people who speak the same language as the rest

That's one company though. My parents work with English people, my Mrs works with English people, my friends work with ... *drum roll* ... English people.

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I don't know what the job was. I couldn't say who would do them.


I work for a company that employs thousands of people, and I know ... 3 immigrants. 1 is a Polish lady that moved here with her British husband, so I presume she is planning on living here a long time.


I dunno. Don't know what the job is.


That's one company though. My parents work with English people, my Mrs works with English people, my friends work with ... *drum roll* ... English people.


So there is one company left then :)


Maybe the bosses wernt leaned on too much to take on immigrants like many companies are.

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i) Plenty do but the opportunities aren't there.


ii)Plenty of those as well that aren't given the opertuanty.


iii)Only a problem because it’s cheaper to exploit trained staff from abroad, we would cope and train out own staff if there wasn't a supply trained staff ready to leave their country to come here.

Again, I'd like to see the economic argument rather than a hypothesis based on wishful thinking.

iv) That is a problem which was only caused because it was cheaper to exploit staff from other countries, but we should start to train our own and become more self sufficient and allow the other countries to benefit from their trained staff.

Even if there were enough of 'our own' with the suitable entry qualifications who's going to pay for the required infrastructure to train them? The British public have a natural aversion to paying tax even if it's in the interests of the community as a whole.


---------- Post added 20-01-2013 at 18:15 ----------


So there is one company left then :)


Maybe the bosses wernt leaned on too much to take on immigrants like many companies are.


Do you buy supermarket food or do you shop exclusively at your local butcher, greengrocer and ironmonger?

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Again, I'd like to see the economic argument rather than a hypothesis based on wishful thinking.

Even if there were enough of 'our own' with the suitable entry qualifications who's going to pay for the required infrastructure to train them? The British public have a natural aversion to paying tax even if it's in the interests of the community as a whole.



It’s self funding and would probably actually save us money, the UK including the NHS spends a fortune on trying to integrate people with different languages and ethnic needs, money that should be diverted to training the British.


We have millions of people on benefit, yet millions of foreign workers doing jobs these people could be doing, the benefits bill would be drastically reduced and the money spent on training the British.


We spend fast sums of money providing public services to immigrants, which could be spent on educating and training the British to a higher standard.


There is little point in employing a polish cleaner when the tax they pay isn’t enough to fund the unemployed British person that should be doing the cleaning.


The disposable income of many immigrant workers is sent abroad so doesn’t benefit the British, an unemployed British worker doing that job would spend their disposable income in Britain.


The increase in population due to immigration has increased living costs here, higher housing costs, fewer people would lower living costs which would leave people with more disposable income.

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