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Ever caught a burglar?


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The late Mexican Des once caught a notorious drug head burglar in our area trying to get in his Jag, that was the last time he did any burglaries, Des tied him to the back of his car and dragged around the round about in firth park then tied him to the post in the middle of the round about with a sign around his neck saying I am a thief, burglaries went down in our area by more than half.


I thought Des was from Brazil.

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My 14 year old nephew was home alone, my sister recieved a text saying somebody was in the house. We raced down (only took 5 minutes) and found a scumbag in the kitchen, at the point my nephew was hid upstairs. He raced out of the side door and we confronted him on the drive, but then froze. He ran off and was never caught. In hindsight you kick yourself and we asked ourselves again and again why we weren't more prepared (armed with a bat or something) but to be honest you just freeze. This was only a month ago, my nephew still wont be home alone and my sister is still nervous whenever she walks into the house. These lowlifes don't realise that its not just 'stuff' they take, its peoples confidence and sense of security in their own homes aswell x

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I thought Des was from Brazil.


I don't know where he came from I only know he was one bleeding nutter who you did not cross he is said to have shot and buried half the population of Firth parks criminals according to folk law,I always got on with him and found him an alright bloke.

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I don't know where he came from I only know he was one bleeding nutter who you did not cross he is said to have shot and buried half the population of Firth parks criminals according to folk law,I always got on with him and found him an alright bloke.


My OH worked the doors with him many moons ago, his mate was with him when he died, a real tough nut.

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I have never caught a burglar, but all the "precautions" are in place for such an eventuality. Remember that the weapons used should only be ones that you would normally have in your house and you should be fine. The stomach is a good place to attack as it does not bruise .

Always claim that they attacked you and that you acted in self defence. Any jury will always believe you rather than scum.;)

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I haven't unfortunately.


3 years ago we were woken by a huge crash from downstairs. We lock the kitchen door from the outside when we go to bed, and the noise was burglars panicking in the kitchen. smashing the door open and running for the front door.


I grabbed a pickaxe handle that I have as a spare for the pick in my shed ;) and ran downstairs b*llock naked, but by this time they were already across the road (there were 3 of them).


The police arrived VERY quickly with a dog unit, but the scrotes had got into a car up the road as the scent ended.


I still wish i'd caught one, as reasonable force to me is keep hitting until they stop moving. Nothing big or clever about it, but it's exactly what these scumbags deserve.


Anyone who's been burgled knows how frightening it is regardless of who you are, so how are you supposed to make a rational decison when faced with a threat to you and your family?

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We used to live down London road years ago and one night we were awoke by some scrotes on the roof next door nicking the lead of the roof over the bay,I shot down stairs and got hold of the mop and went out in my under pants armed with a mop to tackle the three harden criminals,one of them said Ive got a knife and Im going to come down there and stab you if you don't bugger off,this was in the days before we had mobiles and the phone box was down the end of the road what stuck out in my mind was one of them had a sort of white streak bleached in to the middle of his hair,I stopped a cop car on Bramall lane {in my underpants still} and after explaining my reason for being in my underpants they took my details down and left me stood there, when I went back the scrotes had gone and I got back in bed and thought well that was that,just as I was nodding off there was a knock on the door when I went down stairs two coppers were stood at the door, we have a complaint that a man was seen running around in his underpants brandishing a mop and did I see anything,the next thing two more coppers turn up asking me to come to their car and is this the bloke with the hair you saw on the roof, what a night and the funny thing is the daft little so and so with the hair sat in the cop car kept saying it wasn't me honest it wasn't me.

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