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Olympic legacy for local sport


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More important for me than the winning of medals by elite sportspeople is the participation in sport for the general population.

All sports provide some degree of activity and social interaction.

So in the "Cityof Sport" so far in 2012/2013,we have seen proposals for the closure of Don Valley,closure of Bowling greens,redundancies for coaches in the sports activities for adults issuing school facilities and now a threat hangs over Stocksbridge Leisure centre.

I know that the council has difficult decisions to make,and that much of the problem rests with central government.

I strongly believe that our leaders should be held responsible for the welfare of the population and that it is criminal to allow services and facilities which have had investment in the past should be allowed to deteriorate in the way that is now happening.

Is the country in such a desperate state that we can allow these facilities to decline.

Stocksbridge leisure centre is essential to that area as a community for its swimming,fitness and social activities,and the bowling hall is the only such facility in the whole of the Sheffield area,and as such it is used by many from the greater Sheffied area.

If you care,make your voices heard.

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If layers of red tape and paper pushers are done away with then it could be the best thing to happen for grass roots sport.


Over the past 10 years or so, so many tiny sports clubs have gone to the wall because of costly red tape which they could not afford to meet.


Yes there was millions of pounds of money sloshing around but most of it went to the fat cats at the top. Many of the tiny sports clubs that desperatly needed money just to stay open had no money given to them, these sports clubs could not pay the rent and so they went out of business.


In the 80s/90s there wasn't all these sports bodies and sports clubs did very well. There is also the growth of the compensation culture which hasn't helped sports at the bottom and has been another nail in the coffin.


You may find that if funds are starved from sports, the costly red tape is done away with then you are likely to see the beginings of the growth of grass roots sports, which in turn get kids off the streets, get local competitions going and turn out the olympic champions of the future.


Jess Ennis would have been discovered even if Don Valley had never been around.

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Is that the Ennis Sports Stadium?


Due to be closed I heard. May be Ennis will step in and use some of her sponsored millions, appearence millions, sporting millions of pounds to save it. Then again may be she won't. Having earned a bundle from er ....... running, jumping, throwing, nothing too cerebral then, but good at sport like the kids at the back of the class, she'll show the same kind of self focus she did when doing PE. That's what it is afterall. Glorified PE.


Celebrity or sports star ............ the edges blur as now it's all about the money.. I expect she'll sit in the new house and check the online bank accountant.

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How long did it take you to think of that comment, it's so intelligent !!


Is that the Ennis Sports Stadium?


Due to be closed I heard. May be Ennis will step in and use some of her sponsored millions, appearence millions, sporting millions of pounds to save it. Then again may be she won't. Having earned a bundle from er ....... running, jumping, throwing, nothing too cerebral then, but good at sport like the kids at the back of the class, she'll show the same kind of self focus she did when doing PE. That's what it is afterall. Glorified PE.


Celebrity or sports star ............ the edges blur as now it's all about the money.. I expect she'll sit in the new house and check the online bank accountant.

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