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Wrap Up & Run 10K - 24th Feb 2013

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Wrap Up and Run 10k - Spread the Warmth was launched in response to the needless deaths of more than 200 older people per day in the cold weather. The aim is to stop unnecessary suffering and preventable winter deaths. Why not help the cause by running the 10k at Graves Park on 24 February 2013. For more info about the event please log onto http://www.ageuk.org.uk/get-involved/events-and-challenges/10k-races/


If you want to get in some training before the event why not become a Graves Park Jogger? All abilities are welcome, you can walk, jog or run. We meet every Thursday (starting back on 17 January), 6pm – 7pm at the Charles Ashmore entrance of Graves Park, your first session is FREE, so why not bring a friend.

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Sounds fantastic and great training for anyone considering or already signedup for the inaugural Trans Pennine 50k/100k Challenge in June. (If you fancy walking or running 2.5 marathons back to back for the sustainable end of hunger - this is a brand new challenge you can't miss out on being part of). Learn more about the challenge at thehungerproject dot org dot uk

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