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Benefit fraud: £1.2bn (0.8% in all) - Corporate tax avoidance: £120bn

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A roll call of corporate rogues who are milking the country


The scale of unpaid tax now outstrips the entire deficit. Forcing the elite to pay up is a matter of both justice and necessity


'Only the little people pay taxes," the late American corporate tax evader Leona Helmsley famously declared. That's certainly the spirit of David Cameron and George Osborne's Britain. Five years into the crisis, the British economy has just edged out of its third downturn, but construction is still reeling from government cuts and most people's living standards are falling.


Those at the sharp end are being hit hardest: from cuts to disability and housing benefits, tax credits and the educational maintenance allowance and now increases in council tax while NHS waiting lists are lengthening, food banks are mushrooming across the country and charities report sharp increases in the number of children going hungry. All this to pay for the collapse in corporate investment and tax revenues triggered by the greatest crash since the 30s.


At the other end of the spectrum though, things are going swimmingly. The richest 1,000 people in Britain have seen their wealth increase by £155bn since the crisis began – more than enough to pay off the whole government deficit of £119bn at a stroke. Anyone earning over £1m a year can look forward to a £42,000 tax cut in the spring, while firms have been rewarded with a 2% cut in corporation tax to 24%.


Not that many of them pay anything like that, even now. The scale of tax avoidance by high-street brand multinationals has now become clear, in no small part thanks to campaigning groups such as UK Uncut. Asda, Google, Apple, eBay, Ikea, Starbucks, Vodafone: all pay minimal tax on massive UK revenues, mostly by diverting profits earned in Britain to their parent companies, or lower tax jurisdictions via royalty and service payments or transfer pricing.


Four US companies – Amazon, Facebook, Google and Starbucks – have paid just £30m tax on sales of £3.1bn over the last four years, according to a Guardian analysis. Apple is estimated to have avoided over £550m in tax on more than £2bn worth of underlying profits in Britain by channelling business through Ireland, according to a Sunday Times analysis, while Starbucks has paid no corporation tax in Britain for the last three years.


The Tory MP and tax lawyer Charlie Elphicke estimates 19 US-owned multinationals are paying an effective tax rate of 3% on British profits, instead of the standard rate of 26%. It's all entirely legal, of course. But taken together with the multiple individual tax scams of the elite, this roll call of corporate infamy has become an intolerable scandal, when taxes are rising and jobs, benefits and pay being cut for the majority.


Not only that, but collecting the taxes that these companies have wriggled out of would go a long way to shrinking the deficit for which working- and middle-class Britain's living standards are being sacrificed. The total tax gap between what's owed and collected has been estimated by Richard Murphy of Tax Research UK at £120bn a year: £25bn in legal tax avoidance, £70bn in fraudulent tax evasion and £25bn in late payments.


Revenue and Customs' own last guess of £35bn has been widely recognised as a serious underestimate. But even allowing for the fact that it would never be possible to close the entire gap, those figures give a sense of what resources could be mobilised with a determined crackdown. Set them, for instance, against the £83bn in cuts planned for this parliament (including £18bn in welfare) – or the £1.2bn estimated annual benefit fraud bill – and you get a sense of what's at stake.


Cameron and Osborne wring their hands at the "moral repugnance" of "aggressive avoidance", but are doing nothing serious about it whatever. They've been toying with a general "anti-abuse" principle. But it would only catch a handful of the kind of personal dodges the comedian Jimmy Carr signed up to, not the massive profit-shuffling corporate giants have been dining off.


Meanwhile, ministers are absurdly slashing the tax inspection workforce, and even introducing a new incentive for British multinationals to move their operations inbusiness to overseas tax havens. The scheme would, accountants KPMG have been advising clients, offer an "effective UK tax rate of 5.5%" from 2014 (and cut British tax revenues into the bargain).


It's not as if there aren't any number of measures that would plug the loopholes and slash tax avoidance and evasion. They include a general anti-avoidance principle (of the kind the Labour MP Michael Meacher has been pushing in a private member's bill) that would outlaw any transaction whose primary purpose was avoidance rather than economic; minimum tax (backed even by the Conservative Elphicke); and country-by-country financial reporting, and unitary taxation, to expose transfer pricing and limit profit-siphoning.


The latter would work better with international agreement. But there is already majority support in the European Union, and it is governments in countries such as Britain – where the City is itself a tax haven – that are resisting reform. When you realise how closely the tax avoidance industry is tied up with government and drawing up tax law, that's perhaps not so surprising.


But when austerity and cuts are sucking demand out of the economy, fuelling poverty and joblessness and actually widening the deficit, the need to step up the pressure for corporations and the wealthy to pay their share as part of a wider recovery strategy couldn't be more obvious.


The target has to shift from "welfare scroungers" to tax dodgers, and the campaign go national. Companies that are milking the country at the expense of the majority are especially vulnerable to brand damage. Forcing them to pay up is a matter of both social justice and economic necessity.


So that's 100 times more.


Why the hell do we put up with this?


Some more stats - breakdown of benefit fraud:


  • Retirement Pension 0.0 per cent;
  • Incapacity Benefit 0.3 per cent;
  • Disability Living Allowance 0.5 per cent;
  • Council Tax Benefit 1.3 per cent;
  • Housing Benefit 1.4 per cent;
  • Pension Credit 1.6 per cent;
  • Income Support 2.8 per cent;
  • Jobseeker’s Allowance 3.4 per cent;
  • Carer’s Allowance 3.9 per cent.

According to polls, most of the electorate has the impression that massive benefit fraud is underway, when the levels are in fact trivial - also, most benefits claimants work - 93% of new housing benefits claimants are working - only 1 in 8 current ones are unemployed, and I especially wish them all the best.


Meanwhile, Amazon, Starbucks, Vodaphone, Tesco, Asda, Apple, Ebay, Ikea, Facebook, Google, pay either no corporation tax, or very close to none.


Real wages for workers have not risen in decades - and corporate tax rates have come down from about 50% in the 1960s, to about 24% now - with another 2% cut on it's way.

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Because its avoidance, not evasion. Benefit fraud is illegal.


Corporate tax rates come down because it helps SMEs, the big corporations have the best accountants and pay very little tax as you know.


I have no problem with corporate tax coming down, however the whole tax system needs to be simplified, making it difficult to avoid paying taxes yet not taking so much tax as to cripple business.


Also 1.2billion is not trivial!

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I don't really see how paying 0%, legal or not, is morally different to defrauding the state.


In both cases, the person involved knows it is an immoral act - they are capable of reasoning out the repercussions.


Law does not equate to morality - many of our laws exist only due to lobbying - a legal form of bribery.


---------- Post added 10-01-2013 at 15:35 ----------


Furthermore, the point is, that the destitute are utterly vilified, when only 0.5% of DLA claimants are fraudsters, and only 3.4% of JSA claimants are - or, for every 100 unemployed people you meet, only 3 or 4 are doing it wrong.


An army of benefit scroungers? The evidence just doesn't stack up


Don't be taken in by housing benefit bunk


The Government has been accused of spreading "prejudice and ignorance" over benefits


Benefits stigma: how newspapers report on welfare


Voters 'brainwashed by Tory welfare myths', shows new poll


There is a problem with welfare, but it's not 'shirkers'

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There is a difference though, companies will never be moral as their only obligation is to their shareholders. Would shareholders be happy if the company gave away 20% of it's profits when it could easily avoid it? It's up to the government to make satisfactory laws to make it more difficult and more expensive to avoid tax then it is to pay it.


I don't think the problem with benefits is the fraud element. Its the fact that under the previous government (note: I don't hate Labour, I hate all politicians equally) many claimants from JSA were moved on to ESA or disability when in reality they are able to do some sort of work. Ok their jobsearch may be restricted but they can still do something.


There is also the problem of JSA claimants who don't look for work. They are forced to turn up to interviews and do poorly because they don't actually want the job. This would not fall under fraud yet it still drives up the benefits bill.


Why can't we vilify benefit fraudster as equally as companies who don't pay tax. Why does it always have to be one or the other?

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As those articles above point out, the culture of language used in the media, has left the public with the impression that most poor people are villains - when in fact hard evidence suggests the vast majority of benefits claimants are quite legitimate.

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They are all from the Guardian though, and most people who have half a brain can see there are lots of needy people. So the media has not left an impression, it is just that people have it in their interest to portray the current government in a bad light so they use anything they can. NEWSFLASH: ALL POLITICIANS ARE GREEDY IMMORAL PIGS.


Have you ever seen anyone moaning about people claiming working benefits? People are only angry because for certain people living off benefits is the easy out, they get something for nothing, they don't need to get up every morning for work and they get a nice cushty life paid for by the working person's taxes.

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As those articles above point out, the culture of language used in the media, has left the public with the impression that most poor people are villains - when in fact hard evidence suggests the vast majority of benefits claimants are quite legitimate.


The media report on the worst cases because it makes for a story. Couple with 1 child trying really hard to wind work isn't a story. Somalian with 7 kids and no intention of working living in 2 million pound taxpayer funded mansion is. However I don't think highlighting the outrageous cases makes people think everyone without a job is like the worst abusers of the system.

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As those articles above point out, the culture of language used in the media, has left the public with the impression that most poor people are villains - when in fact hard evidence suggests the vast majority of benefits claimants are quite legitimate.


You miss the point though - what people see as the main problem is the whole UK benefit culture (not so much the fraud aspect) - which is currently totally legal & legitimate to claim.


Welfare was designed to be a safety net until you found a job - not a lifestyle choice, where 2 or 3 generations of a family could avoid work, or not have any intention of finding it. That element is costing 100's of billions to prop-up - it's unsustainable in the long-term, so some drastic steps have to be taken, unfortunately.

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@ dragonfall:


You don't seem to have read the articles - that is the very myth they demolish systematically.


This mythic idea of people not working for generations, that social security has become a lifestyle.


That is what the media has painted, and is patently untrue.

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