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Why did you join Sheffield Forum?

Guest sibon

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i found the site following a search for something else - can't remember what, i lurked for a while, being too indifferent to post, went away for a while, came back and lurked a bit longer, went away again and finally decided to stick my oar in a couple of months ago - can't remember what it was about or what about it made me want to contribute


like most of my posts it doesn't add much to the sum of knowledge, but it passes a few minutes on when time is dragging

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I was looking for local information originally, then I joined because it looked a useful site, I think my first post was trying to help someone to monitor their TCP/IP traffic, that's the first I can find anyway.

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I was looking for info on the (then) proposed fortnightly bin collections.


I have met some lovely people on these boards, although the threads I go on are usually pretty marginal topics.


I've not been on as much of late due to various members simply ignoring questions put to them, to be honest I've got bored with the two extremes of people I usually end up debating with and although I will keep my eye on here my involvement has been, and I think probably will be kept at a minimum unless something really grabs me.

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Blimey, Richard, have you really only been here a year? The wisdom of your posts has led me to feel you've been around much longer!


The fact that he's only been around for a year is a contributory factor to his posts still containing some wisdom.

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