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Tracing my family history

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From finding ancestors called Metcalfe from Yorkshire , I realised that names were getting more & more posh until ,I found Plantagenet. Yes Royalty. !! So THAT IS HOW I GOT BACK TO THE YEAR 20 . OK !!!!!.


I don't think people are jealous at all, but as most records on Ancestry are quite difficult to follow backwards from the 1700s, it was difficult to see how you got back as far as you did.


It makes more sense now that you've explained how you got back through the Plantagenets to 1154, then back through the Normans to 1066, and the Vikings, Anglo-Saxons, Romans and eventually back to the tribes ....



I had to google all that ... so, you've done well to get your Metcalfes from Yorkshire back to the year 20 ... be proud and don't be shy at explaining next time you're asked :)

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I only signed up for a couple of months and got back to the mid 1700's relatively easily but then it got much more difficult, I gave up at that point because my subscription was running out anyway. As for fairyworld's claim that they got back to the year 20, I think the clue might be in the username.


Using the parish registers from the village my paternal great grandfather came from I can get back to the mid 1600's.

BUT and it's a big BUT,there is no PROOF that these Ag Labs are my ancestors.

I can link the names from one generation to the next BUT there is NO PROOF that there is a genuine connection.

Someone of the same name could have moved into the village from another place at any time, there is no way of knowing.

Parish registers on there own are just a list of names.


Which is why I agree with the above quote.




I have unfortunately a very common surname.

An ancestor from the same village with an uncommon surname appears in the marriage register "as of this parish".

That is the first mention of his surname in the village with no hint as to his place of origin (that I have found so far).

There are other instances of his full name in villages several miles away but are any of them him???

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I haven't run into a brick wall at the year 20 ,Dad died & I stopped for a while in that area. I am at moment concentrating on my Grandma because I am trying to find her Irish Roots. Again with the help of another lovely Forum member ,I have managed to make a beginning.

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I haven't run into a brick wall at the year 20 ,Dad died & I stopped for a while in that area. I am at moment concentrating on my Grandma because I am trying to find her Irish Roots. Again with the help of another lovely Forum member ,I have managed to make a beginning.


Good luck with that one...a lot of Irish documentation was destroyed in a fire in the Dublin Archives in 1922..

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Do you know everything turns into a slagging off on here. I realise it may not all be 100% accurate ,but it was accurate to me as far as I could tell & I don't have to prove anything to anyone as that to me is my private. If people choose not to believe me then so be it .

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Do you know everything turns into a slagging off on here. I realise it may not all be 100% accurate ,but it was accurate to me as far as I could tell & I don't have to prove anything to anyone as that to me is my private. If people choose not to believe me then so be it .


No, it's not slagging you off

I'm asking what proof do you have.

If you are happy to think that you've got back to 20AD then good luck to you.

But without proof you have wasted your time as the results are just supposition, not fact.

As I wrote earlier, I could assume that all those people with my surname in the parish registers are connected through the generations, but I'm not happy to say that they are my ancestors nor that they are even connected to one another,without proof.

But that's me.

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As I wroteearlier, I could assume that all those names in the parish registers are connected through the generations, but I'm not happy to say that they are my ancestors nor that they are even connected to one another,without proof.

But that's me.


I have birth certificate and stuff; but it is not always a 100% fact that John *** is the same John *** as the one that you find in the same area. Some of my ancestors have the middle name of Gisburn, so that does help.

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