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Just thought I'd share my experience - prescription painkillers.

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Hi all.


Thanks for the nice replies! It's warming to know others have been there and got through the other side. I did manage 2 hours sleep but woke up and I was VERY grumpy. Whoops, sorry OH!


I am feeling a bit low because of sleep deprevation and this is obviously making things seem worse to me. I just wish I could have a good kip! Currently I am OK and not suffering as bad as I have been but I never know what's waiting in the next hour.


Thanks again for your heartwarming replies and PM's. I will keep you all updated over the next few days..

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Hi twirler ... Keep at it with the baths ... I remember I used to have 5 a day. I hate that sensation when you close your eyes and your limbs judder and your eyes are so, so sore.


Remember to eat .. Even if its small slices of toast ... I also recall not having any appetite and feeling sick just watching come dine with me.


Lots of tasty juice .. Get someone if they can, to get you some.


There may come a time, when you start to have pounding of the heart and panic attacks. As I said before I had wave after wave of them and had to ring a doctor for assurance that these wouldn't kill me.


If you start to get them .. As your heart starts to pound keep telling yourself, this will pass, it won't kill you, as bad as it feels ...


Once again, drink as much juice or water .. Not tea or anything else with caffeine in it as these wont help with panic attacks should you get them.


You can do this, but it's a hard slog. And feel proud of yourself for this .. It's horrific.


Someone will always reply to you on here, so do t feel you are alone.


Saffy x

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I have been on the Medication listed below for about 3 years, some of the medication is to help counteract the side effects of some of the other medication, and I can say without doubt that if I miss a tablet or 2 i certainly know about it, if I forget to replace the Morphine patch within a few hours of the given time I turn into a gibbering wreck. I have now come off amitriptyline as that started to cause some severe heart problems, and I have now come off Tramadol, I have tried to wean myself off some of the other medication by trying to lower the dosages but I am fighting a losing battle as the pain then becomes too intense, if anything I have the problem that over time my body seems to build up an immunity to some of the meds so their effectiveness is not as good, this has been ongoing now for about 8 years, with no clear resolve to my pain management I do have genuine fears as to my future with the current medication regime, as at the going rate I might as well be in a chemical coma. I wish you all the best in your quest to clear yourself from the medication, it really is a hard fight that many people underestimate


PREGABALIN 300mg capsules 2 a day

MIRTAZAPINE 45mg tablets 1 a day

BUPRENORPHINE 20mcg/hour patch 4 Patches 1 a week

ESOMEPRAZOLE 40mg 1 a day

CETIRIZINE 10mg tablets 1 a day

PEPTAC liquid 1000ml as and when needed

RAMIPRIL 10mg 1 tablet a day

TESTOGEL 100mg 2 sachet's a day

AMLODIPINE 10mg tablets 1 a day

XENICAL 120mg 3 times a day

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I think I'm very lucky that I'm not showing any signs of needing an increasing dose (and after 15 years I would have done by now if I was going to) but I actually choose to have my pain reduced rather than gone completely, because I can be out of pain if I take more drugs, but it leaves me in a state that you can say hello to me but you have to make an appointment if you want an answer, and to be honest I couldn't face living my life like that.


Thank you for your list hotrock, as it makes me feel a whole lot better about my list of medication :) Glad to know that I'm not the only one who keeps a pharmacy in business :)

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I must also add, that I did normally have quite a high pain threshold, in the past I have suffered some pretty gruesome injuries, and I very rarely used pain medication, i never even bothered with headache tablets, boy does my body hate me now. Like the comment by Medusa, i get days where people need to make an appointment to get a sensible answer out of me, I get so frustrated sometimes that the medication has such a hold over me and i struggle to say what i mean, some-days it's like the emotional/feeling switch has tripped out, and everything i say or do offends, I am very fortunate that most of my family and friends understand my predicament, and allow me a little leeway.

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Wow Hotrock, that really is some list. And you have my full sympathies.


I know what you mean, I feel like Tramadol was changing my thought processes. Unfortunately not everyone is so understanding!


I'm now 60 hours in. Responding to some of the comments - I'm having no problem eating. Once he sickness had gone I've not got much appetite but I am keeping food down and my OH is feeding me well!


My main problem I think is sleep. 7 or 8 hours out of 59 just isn't cricket and is making everything else probably seem worse to me. I'm not sleeping from a combination of my body just not feeling "tired" and then when I do, having the restless body thing, that's such a nightmare. It is like your worst hangover ever!


The sneezing, headache, kidney pains, shivers etc are all still there but pleased to report as of 8pm seem to be gradually subsiding (touch wood).


Me and my OH do a 2.11 mile walk every night down thru Weston Park and back. I'm normally fine with it but the past few days I have been gasping on the uphill parts and struggling, will report on how it goes tonight in a few hours but I am hopeful that it is a little better.


Bar the lack of sleep there seems to be some light at the end of the tunnel!

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I have a list of medication very similar to Hotrock, I couldn't tolerate Dihydrocodeine, it upset a bowel condition I have so I was given Morphine Patches instead, the first day I used them I felt fine until I went to bed, then there was no way I was going to get any sleep that night, I was twitchy and jumpy, felt like electric currents were going through my body. Every time I closed my eyes I would jump - I would liken it to being tazered, although I have never been tazered!! my body would go rigid then start twitching all over, my husband was scared to death.


However after a couple of days I got used to them and I now find them invaluable though I have had to have the dose increased. I also have Pregabalin,

Duloxatine, Clonadine, Indomethacin, Nefopam, Omeprazole, Propanolol and Paracetamol and of course good old Lactulose to help get rid of all these.


My average nights sleep is 4-5 hours, I spend most of my nights reading and can get through at least 3 books a week, but this can also make me grumpy during the day because I am tired especially by mid afternoon.


I have spent 2 or 3 days off the forum and the computer altogether really because I have been in pain, tired and fed up and really no one would want to hear me rant or moan. But that is my life now, I have fair days and I have bad days and I have to work around them accordingly, but I really wish I could cut down on some of my medication and my GP and I have tried it with different things at different times but I have had to go back to them.


I do also know the difficulty of coming off addictive medication as 30 odd years ago I suffered post natal depression and I was given Motival, Atival, Librium, and several other now non-prescribed medication and it took over 4 years before I was pill free and I went through some dreadful side effects. So my heart and my thoughts go out to you and I hope you feel better soon.

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Hey all - guess who is still awake!


I had just under an hour earlier which now makes it 8-9 hours sleep in 66 or so hours though I feel like I will be awake for a while yet. Feeling OK but didn't manage the walk as I felt poorly again which is a shame. I am a bit shivery but overall better than I have been just barring a lack of sleep!


Again I'd like to thank everyone for kind words so far. No panic attacks or depression yet and I'm trying to keep my spirits up.


I will update you all in a few hours as to whether I manage any sleep etc.


Definitely hoping to be over the worst, seeing my parents tomorrow and would like to look half normal if poss!

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Feel for you, I came off of OxyContin 12 hour release with oxynorm for breakthrough pain, last year and it was like going to hell and back. I as was left with severe panic attacks that came wave after wave ... The doctor said the only thing she could give me was methadone.


Yet, one spliff when I can get it, at night, cuts out most of my night time pain relief.


It's tragic aint it. People are suffering when they need not. Lack of knowledge from people with closed minds and media influenced views, means that people will have to still suffer when an alternative could be easily made available.


Still doctors know best!


Hey all - guess who is still awake!


I had just under an hour earlier which now makes it 8-9 hours sleep in 66 or so hours though I feel like I will be awake for a while yet. Feeling OK but didn't manage the walk as I felt poorly again which is a shame. I am a bit shivery but overall better than I have been just barring a lack of sleep!


Again I'd like to thank everyone for kind words so far. No panic attacks or depression yet and I'm trying to keep my spirits up.


I will update you all in a few hours as to whether I manage any sleep etc.


Definitely hoping to be over the worst, seeing my parents tomorrow and would like to look half normal if poss!


Hope you got some sleep Twirl :)

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Unfortunately not Ash, I'm still wide awake. Just watched a very moving film called Defiance on Netflix. I've turned off the TV but while the birds sing outside I am restless and.. Well everything I was in the last post! Ha.


Very moved by that film, about Jews in WWII surviving in the forest. Gives me something to ponder I suppose!


*edit* I've decided to get back up and get my personal statement for my Uni application written up - might as well be productive while I am wide awake. We are now at 70 hours since giving up and 9 hours sleep. I'm definitely going to get this Personal Statement checked before submitting though, I'm a little worried I might just be purely babbling given the above!

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