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Syrian rebels use chemical weapons on rabbits ( Video )

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Leave both sides alone and let them destroy each other. They are as bad as each other, as other posters have pointed out.


If I was Syrian I'd move ASAP. There are no winners here.


It's a hard choice to make. Militants on both sides and innocent people in the middle. News from Libya is very quiet. I wonder what is happening there. I think the post Gadaffi slaughter and government by militia has been played-down.


The Arab Spring has to get past Islamic theocracy before it can find true democracy and that could take many years. It's hard to watch people being slaughtered on a daily basis while doing nothing.

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Not forgetting Mali and Somalia where they hold peaceful pray meeting and pray for their glorious victory.
The French have been disturbing their peace recently, at some cost. I hope the French go in really hard now and sort them out once and for all.


---------- Post added 12-01-2013 at 22:49 ----------


It's a hard choice to make. Militants on both sides and innocent people in the middle. News from Libya is very quiet. I wonder what is happening there. I think the post Gadaffi slaughter and government by militia has been played-down.


The Arab Spring has to get past Islamic theocracy before it can find true democracy and that could take many years. It's hard to watch people being slaughtered on a daily basis while doing nothing.

You're very optimistic. I think it will take many generations, never mind years, and it's probably not possible anyway. Like an animal riddled with cancer, I think the Arab population is in its death throes and can never recover. It will never shake the disease. We must hope that it's not too contagious in our population.


---------- Post added 12-01-2013 at 22:53 ----------


It's a hard choice to make. Militants on both sides and innocent people in the middle. News from Libya is very quiet. I wonder what is happening there. I think the post Gadaffi slaughter and government by militia has been played-down.


The Arab Spring has to get past Islamic theocracy before it can find true democracy and that could take many years. It's hard to watch people being slaughtered on a daily basis while doing nothing.

Picking up on your first point, which I omitted to do earlier: I think that most people over here think that Lybia is sorted now, but the blood-ba'ath continues.
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More anti-western Russia Today rubbish


It was videoed in Syria in December. Just because RT picked it up (as did all the news sites including the BBC) why does it make it rubbish.


I hope Assad wipes the FSA out. The Syrian army are doing a good job on them now. Less money and weapons coming for the Salafists and Russia and Iran re arming the Syrian army.


This is the FSA testing there new ICBM missile systems..


This is the rebels praising Bin Laden and singing about 9/11...



Anyone believing that the FSA has the upper hand are living in dreamland.


One thing that is annoying is the BBC constantly quote the Syrian observatory for human rights. This is a man who makes stories up constantly and gets all the mainstream media quoting them.


This was a statement from the SOHR regarding him. He locked everyone out of the system and posts himself with no verification of what he writes at all.


We would like to apologise for any confusion that you may be currently experiencing with regards to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR).

We would like to take this opportunity to give you some background information for your benefit.

Firstly, there is NO individual by the name of Rami Abdulrahman. This is just an alias that was being used by all SOHR members and mainly by the founders of the SOHR when articles were being originally published.

There is however a gentleman based in Coventry whose primary profession is installing satellite dishes who volunteered at the SOHR in late 2010. This gentleman is called Mr. Osama Ali Suleiman and as a volunteer he contributed in publishing the Arabic language news articles on the SOHR website syriahr.net. This was the full extend of his remit and contribution, as a volunteer of this organisation. It is worth noting that Mr. Osama is unable to communicate in the English language and only had a very modest level of education in Syria.

In August 2011 the board of trustees asked Mr. Osama to cease publishing news articles onto the syriahr.net website as it was alleged that he had established links with Mr. Rifaat Al Assad (the uncle of the current Syrian President Bashar Al Assad). The very nature of the articles being published were also controversial as they were not verified by any other member of SOHR and they referred to incidents and deaths suffered by the Syrian regime security forces. The reasons as to why this raised suspicions is because the Observatory does not have any links with Syrian regime members in order to be able to state or verify any such incidents.

When Mr. Osama was asked to give up his volunteer post he retaliated by changing all the username and password details of the syriahr.netwebsite so that only he could access it and publish material and subsequently declared himself chairman. He started using the Rami Abdulrahman alias which the rest of the trustees abandoned as it was decided after the eruption of the Syrian uprising on the 15 march 2011 that, in the interest of transparency, only real names were to be used from that point on when communicating with the press.

The rest of the organisation decided that due to the swift developing nature of the Syrian uprising no time should be wasted in altercating with Mr. Osama as the website that he was controlling doesn’t ever hold any useful/recent information on Syria and that he would not be able to actually engage in any activity with the English speaking press. As a result syriahr.org was established and it gets regularly updated (in both Arabic and English) with the developments on the ground in Syria.

Ignoring Mr. Osama for this length of time appears to have been a misjudgment by the rest of the SOHR members as it appears that Mr. Osama has since sought and acquired some support from fellow friends in order to boost his claims and spoil the reputation of the SOHR. We are deeply concerned as we have been informed that Mr. Osama himself is a member of the PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) and these friends are suspected to be affiliated with same organisation as well.

Further proof of the isolation of Mr. Osama is given by the fact that he currently has no operational team and that he acts authoritatively with no peers to verify, support or challenge his work.

You will already be aware that the SOHR is London based. This is because the majority of our members are based in London whereas Mr. Osama is solely based in Coventry. We would like to take this opportunity to confirm that the Trustees of the SOHR are:

* Mr. Fadi Al-Haddad (Co-founder of SOHR, Based in London)


* Mrs. Maya Fateh (Co-founder of the SOHR and Writer – Now in Syria)


* Dr. Lina Jamoul (Team Leader with Citizens UK in East London)


* Mr. Husam Aldin Mohammed (Chief Editor of the Alquds Newspaper in London)


* Mr. Mohammed Antabli (Businessman and Writer Based in London)


* Mr. Ghassan Ibrahim (Chairman of the Arab Global Network in London)


* Mr. Abdul Sayed Omar (Project Manager & Human Rights Activist Based in Wolverhampton and Works in London)


* Dr. Mousab Azzawi (Consultant Pathologist & Human Rights Activist Based in London)

We at the SOHR are now seeking legal advice and are preparing to take legal action against Mr. Osama whilst we remain committed to our cause of flagging human rights abuses committed in Syria to the international community and media.

Should you need any further information or clarifications please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours faithfully;


The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (London)”.


Assad has huge support in Syria now.

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Because they overpowered Syrian military positions?


That may be true .


However after more research I can say this .


The video shows chemicals with Turkish writing on them .


But we do know the regime also has chemical weapons also .


---------- Post added 19-01-2013 at 13:32 ----------


We often pick the wrong side. These rebels are no better than Assad, and many are worse. We should not be supporting them. Assad is a psychopath, but he needs to be in order to keep his population under control. They are not civilised, and are not ready for, and probably not capable of democracy. Their religion prevents free and clear thought, and their sectarian hatred precludes dialogue. It will take tens of generations to rid them of their memetic disease.


We picked the wrong side in the Kosovo war too. It's pure political expediency, and turns my stomach some times.


You a racists little bugger ?


Not civilised .


People in Syria have been civilised while your ancestors were living in mud huts .

دSyria . Is and has been for centuries the most diverse and tolerant nation on planet earth . Why should we be picking any side in the first place ? It shows that the colonial past we had is far from over .



As for democracy . Which one should they have the banker corporate sponsored controlled one of the USA or ours ?


Picking sides proves we interfering with other nations I'm sure there are laws saying we can't do that .

Democracy lol .


---------- Post added 19-01-2013 at 13:34 ----------


Leave both sides alone and let them destroy each other. They are as bad as each other, as other posters have pointed out.


If I was Syrian I'd move ASAP. There are no winners here.


Agreed then why are we going terrorists Islamists millions of pounds and possibly much much more ?

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Well done, this video has been out for some weeks, was even on RT, when the sudden interest in "chemical weapons" was thrown at the unsuspecting populations.


But while we debate the so called horrors of terrorism, and their danger to western interests, the threat to the corporate world, we continue to use low level nukes all over the place, depleted uranium. Having smothered what was Yugoslavia in it, we moved to Afghanistan, and Iraq, where deformed children are just one of the results, never mind the cancers, tumours and such. Well Libya, got smothered, and not to be left out Gaza, as Israel like to bomb all over the place, and its nukes have already pounded Syria when it destroyed what it thought was a nuclear plant there. Now Mali will get a dusting, as we the powers with the only solution to world peace, through war and destruction, we like to call the Defence Industry, a euphemism for war of course, but the plebs need their propaganda to swallow the lies.


We are now in the last stages of perpetual wars, where after Syria, there is Iran to nuke, China to control, as well as Russia, as we do not like sovereign states that do not act in a particular subordinate way, allowing western corporations to take the wealth as a matter of right.


35 new countries are now getting military "advice" from the USA in Africa. China uses trade to further its interests, we in the powerful western world use war, threats, and other heavy handed ruthless methods. Just look at the mess, misery we have caused since WW2, smashing up nations, leaving the mess for them to sort out. Maybe one ought to re-examine what terrorism is, as we in the west, with our partners in crime, are pretty good at terror, and practice it daily, its our religion.

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