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Sheffield Takeaways Don't Help Themselves

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I can understand the remarks about cooking your own food..cheaper/healthier/tastier etc, I love cooking and do so 6 nights a week, including a full roast on a Sunday, so me my OH like to be lazy on a Saturday evening and order a Take-Away to be delivered, could be Indian, Chinese, Pizza...tonight's was awful and it was from a place we've used for a year..the pizza was overdone, sides were cold..I could go on, but it was just a big disappointment all in all.

Our problem is finding a Take-Away that is consistent in quality, we had one we used when we were at a previous address a year ago and gave them a go when we moved..same delivery guy, nice and chatty etc, but after a month the quality was awful, so we started to use somewhere a little closer..again after a while..bad quality food.

We don't live on Take-Aways and see them as a Saturday night guilty pleasure..but it's just getting harder to find somewhere who has a good delivery time with decent(ish) food.

Chinese Take-Aways are quite rare around us that actually deliver, and TBH I think Chinese has to be delivered quickly as it has a tendency to go cold quickly, our local Indian has a layer of grease on top of most of the curries and all tastes the same.

It seems that some places just don't want/need or can be bothered with quality now and return custom.

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You can cook a decent Chinese in minutes so why spend £££s on dubious food from dirty kitchens?Chinese food is notorious for superfluous additives such as MSC.


you can make a poor attempt that you think is chinese "style" its not the real thing, how rude to insinuate !!! dubious food!! dirty kitchens!! unfai!!, chinese food is probably the most healthy fast food available ....if its done well, as for MSC i think you will find most takeaway food and mass produced has some in it, and anyway if you want a chinese takeaway who are you to preach:roll::roll:

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you can make a poor attempt that you think is chinese "style" its not the real thing, how rude to insinuate !!! dubious food!! dirty kitchens!! unfai!!, chinese food is probably the most healthy fast food available ....if its done well, as for MSC i think you will find most takeaway food and mass produced has some in it, and anyway if you want a chinese takeaway who are you to preach:roll::roll:


Sorry, but isn't that like saying that anyone that goes for a carvery is incapable of cooking a decent sunday roast?

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you can make a poor attempt that you think is chinese "style" its not the real thing, how rude to insinuate !!! dubious food!! dirty kitchens!! unfai!!, chinese food is probably the most healthy fast food available ....if its done well, as for MSC i think you will find most takeaway food and mass produced has some in it, and anyway if you want a chinese takeaway who are you to preach:roll::roll:


MSC-shoud it be MSG?To cook Chinese food you need a wok ingredients and some skill,not a lot but some.My forte is sichuan and Cantonese.Are you a Hong Kong style man Adam?

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you can make a poor attempt that you think is chinese "style" its not the real thing, how rude to insinuate !!! dubious food!! dirty kitchens!! unfai!!, chinese food is probably the most healthy fast food available ....if its done well, as for MSC i think you will find most takeaway food and mass produced has some in it, and anyway if you want a chinese takeaway who are you to preach:roll::roll:



I guess you really like your Chinese eh

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Sorry, but isn't that like saying that anyone that goes for a carvery is incapable of cooking a decent sunday roast?


No, because a Sunday roast is easy to cook with nigh on zero skill. Cooking several proper chinese dishes to the standard of a good takeaway isn't easy.


I haven't had a chinese for a while as we usually have Indian, but Lovely House on Base Green were superb the times we used them.


To the OP - difficult to order a takeaway? We have dozens of menus in the cupboard and get at least another 3-4 every week.

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Its becoming impossible to find the phone number for a lot of chinese takeaways as they go to Justeat. Theres one on Chesterfield Road that do 4 dishes for £11 or something, cant find their number on Google any more, but the same 4 dishes via Justeat will cost £20, PLUS a delivery fee which is free otherwise. I used to get their menu through the door monthly, and now haven't had it in about a year.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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Takeaways are a con. Cook for yourself at home, the food is better quality, cheaper, and you know exactly what your getting. It boggles my mind that so many people waste money on takeaways and home deliveries.


A con? A confidence trick? How is that? You see the menu, and pricing. You know what you are getting and are willing to pay the price - no "con".


Some of us can't be bothered to cook all the time and have enough money to pay the insignificant sums that their meals cost.


Some of us can't even be bothered to drive to collect it - let them bring it to us.

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