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First Bus Company need to learn how to run a bus service

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The drivers do not fiddle the system, they are adjusted by controll staff who operate within professional guidelines and record non operational mileage in order it can be sent to the relevant authorities. They also have an overview of the ENTIRE service not just the one stop you are at. The control staff do indeed know what the state of the service is at any given time and endeavor to provide the best level of service within legal parameters.


There also needs to be taken into account drivers hours, this can also cause late running buses to be adjusted in order to comply with drivers hours legislation.


There is a legal requirement to get buses on time.


PS the plural of bus is buses.


Based on the comments on here I suspect First Bus is not opperating its legal requirement to get buses on time. Its not just me ranting there are many examples at least 10 on this thread alone of buses not turning up or being late.

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But with the stuff the drivers have to put up with, is it any wonder they don't put any effort into it.


Whilst I agree they don't have a great job & don't get much respect, is that an excuse for not having a good word to say to anyone. They are in a public facing role, as are millions I know, but civility would not go amiss, sorry but most are just pig ignorant.

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If trains cannot run to time without other traffic to contend to, then how can one expect buses to run to time.


What really peeves me off is the number of passenser (few there may be) who wait at a bus stop with minues to spare and don't have their fare ready.


They then get on the bus and waste time digging in their bags trying to find their purse. They then take their time to dig into their purse to find change for the journey. Mind you, if they're on there handy???


Guess how much time does this waste!


BTW I find most of the drivers extremely pleasant and safe drivers.

Like everything else you will occasionally find a bad driver who constantly breaks hard or thinks they are Stirling Moss the way they pull away from stops.

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First have always been crap when compared to Stagecoach. Probably the reason why their 120s are always empty through Hackenthorpe where as you're always fighting for a seat on Stagecoach's. Stagecoach's buses are newer, more comfortable and warmer anyway.

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Seeing as this issue crops up at least twice a month, maybe we can approach it a different way.


Clearly, people believe that First is responsible for buses not running on time. So perhaps someone can explain exactly what it is that First are doing (or not doing) to cause this situation?


And while we're at it, rather than just moan, perhaps someone can explain what they would like to see done to improve the situation? I'm sure First (as well as every other bus company in the country) would be very receptive to any suggestions that improves bus punctuality.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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Based on the comments on here I suspect First Bus is not opperating its legal requirement to get buses on time. Its not just me ranting there are many examples at least 10 on this thread alone of buses not turning up or being late.


A thread like this always get some daft exaggerations from people who claim that their bus is always ten minutes late - am sure if any route was that bad then the Traffic Commissioner would have taken the company to task a long time ago.


Hard to separate the hype from the reality.


First have always been crap when compared to Stagecoach. Probably the reason why their 120s are always empty through Hackenthorpe where as you're always fighting for a seat on Stagecoach's


Then again the Stagecoach 120s have come all the way from Halfway whereas the First ones have only started at Crystal Peaks, so you'd expect there to be more people on the Stagecoach buses.

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Buses don't have wings, they get caught in it just like all the cars which happens to make them late!


As we have said before, bad timetabling a shocking road planning is why most buses are late in Sheffield






Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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As we have said before, bad timetabling a shocking road planning is why most buses are late in Sheffield


Most buses aren't late. A lot run early when the drivers decide to emulate Michael Schumacher. They then wait a couple of minutes till time catches up with them.


I was on a 52 going up to Crookes today. I've seen emergency vehicles going slower past the hospitals. When the driver got to Broomhill he had to wait a couple of minutes as he was ahead of schedule so why the rush? Coming back the driver did the same and waited just round the corner of the bottom of Crookes Road. He did a roll-up from his baccy tin before pulling away.

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Most buses aren't late. A lot run early when the drivers decide to emulate Michael Schumacher. They then wait a couple of minutes till time catches up with them.


I was on a 52 going up to Crookes today. I've seen emergency vehicles going slower past the hospitals. When the driver got to Broomhill he had to wait a couple of minutes as he was ahead of schedule so why the rush? Coming back the driver did the same and waited just round the corner of the bottom of Crookes Road. He did a roll-up from his baccy tin before pulling away.


You answered your own question there.

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