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Shabby First buses in Sheffield.

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What would you prefer my friends.... higher bus fares and newer buses or current level bus fares with other cities old buses?


I'd prefer buses with specs fit for purpose, not ones that practically stop when the meet a tiny uphill gradient.

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There are some real bone-shakers on the 25A route, everything vibrates - plus some very old-looking double deckers on the 53 route, downstairs left-hand side just has single seats rather than the usual double seats, very strange arrangement!


These double deckers are former London buses and have had a full refurbishment inside includes the filling in of the area taken by the centre doorway.The single seat arrangement is to allow easier wheelchair access.

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Ours are old smelly and throw so much crap out it is disgusting.


How did you manage to post that from 1975?



Just what I said other Cities cast offs.


The alternative is to scrap 6 year old buses?


They've got to go somewhere.


What would you prefer my friends.... higher bus fares and newer buses or current level bus fares with other cities old buses?


The moon on a stick from the sound of some of the comments.

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