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Shabby First buses in Sheffield.

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I did wonder, although at 17 years old, i dont recall being snobby that much, thats the last time i got on a bus


I did not mean to imply you were one.It is a good idea to catch the bus form time to time,as it will make you appreciate the convenience of a car and how hard life can be for others.

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Travelling around different Cities and Towns I have noticed our First Buses are a absolute disgrace. We in South Yorks seem to get other cities cast offs, all the old buses. Leeds for example have nice brand spanking new buses which are clean and are greener for the enviroment. Ours are old smelly and throw so much crap out it is disgusting.


Sheffield is well known for getting the rejects from other areas controled by First.


They do this as Sheffield has the highest accident rate in the whole of the UK involving a First SY bus.


On the other hand , poor timetabling and shocking traffic planning proves otherwise.




Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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The usual "lets demonise bus passengers as sub-human" thread, yet the same people making such comments are usually up in arms when the bus company propose withdrawing a lightly used service (and demand that Something Must Be Done).

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I did not mean to imply you were one.It is a good idea to catch the bus form time to time,as it will make you appreciate the convenience of a car and how hard life can be for others.


I think ill pass thanks! I can imagine its not easy doing things like food shopping without a car though, or getting places at night etc

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The usual "lets demonise bus passengers as sub-human" thread, yet the same people making such comments are usually up in arms when the bus company propose withdrawing a lightly used service (and demand that Something Must Be Done).


God help them if they had to use the railways in Lincolnshire. eh tbtc. lol



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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These double deckers are former London buses and have had a full refurbishment inside includes the filling in of the area taken by the centre doorway.The single seat arrangement is to allow easier wheelchair access.


Thanks for this info, that was really unexpected - a full refurbishment? They feel really basic inside, almost as if they were deliberately made comfort-less (hard seats, bare metal) to try to deter vandalism. I somehow imagined London buses would be much "nicer" than this on the inside!

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I agree, many of First's buses in Sheffield are worn out old sheds although they do seem generally reliable.


First have cut many of their fares to the same level as Stagecoach now.


So the choice between First and Stagecoach where competition exists is between Stagecoach's nice shiny modern buses or First's older more basic buses.


If you don't give a toss about the spec of the bus on a short journey just get whatever comes first.


If you are a bit fussier and don't like First's fleet, get a Stagecoach bus instead. (Incidentally I noticed the other day that Stagecoach's new double deckers have heating upstairs - luxury!).

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Guest busdriver1
(Incidentally I noticed the other day that Stagecoach's new double deckers have heating upstairs - luxury!).


Take your head out of Souters arse. First have had heaters upstairs for years.

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