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Shabby First buses in Sheffield.

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Travelling around different Cities and Towns I have noticed our First Buses are a absolute disgrace. We in South Yorks seem to get other cities cast offs, all the old buses. Leeds for example have nice brand spanking new buses which are clean and are greener for the enviroment. Ours are old smelly and throw so much crap out it is disgusting.

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The Stagecoach ones are generally okay but I agree, most of the First buses are like cattle trucks. I've seen a few clean new ones recently though so hopefully they're beginning to phase out the wrecks. It's about time!

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You may have noticed that First have withdrawn most of their oldest buses in the last few months (or at least moved them out of Sheffield):


The N/ P reg B10Ls

The R/S reg Volvo Olympians (step entrance, so not "buggy friendly")

The X reg Dennis Darts


Instead we've got some six year old double deckers from Leeds. Not brand new, but a big step in the right direction.

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Plus they've either been repainted in the past year in the new livery, or getting repainted at the moment so they're looking tidier. Plus the fares are now in line with Stagecoach.


Still lots of improvements for First to do but much better than they were this time last year.

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You may have noticed that First have withdrawn most of their oldest buses in the last few months (or at least moved them out of Sheffield):


The N/ P reg B10Ls

The R/S reg Volvo Olympians (step entrance, so not "buggy friendly")

The X reg Dennis Darts


Instead we've got some six year old double deckers from Leeds. Not brand new, but a big step in the right direction.


The high step olympians will be gone soon

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Just what I said other Cities cast offs.


So in the last year we've seen most First buses repainted, the oldest single deckers replaced by younger double deckers, the weekly ticket reduced by more than a third... and you're still complaining?


Grass is always greener.

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