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Yet another war we get involved in

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France is doing the running because the Malians asked them to. We have far more experience in Africa than the USA has. I'm trying to recall a major US intervention in Africa since they got chased out of Somalia 20 years ago. The US is still bogged down in Afghanistan and having trouble getting out of there. After Bush's foreign disasters I don't blame Obama for being reluctant to get bogged down elsewhere especially when European states with far more experience of Africa can do all the work. The USA can't do everything anyway and with their economic woes wouldn't want to run up another large bill overseas.


Fair enough and that all makes sense.


Noblese oblige costs us a bunch of money as per.

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so why is it always Europeans or Americans that have to do the heavy lifting?


How do you think world powers maintain their hegemony?


The British Empire wasn't built on sitting around a conference table devising a solutions package over tea and biscuits but the subjugation of other nations by brute force.


The American empire is much the same, but subtler.


How would we feel if China carried on like the U.S., invading oil rich countries on phony pretexts (WMDS that never existed), using predator drones against civilians (a war crime according to the United Nations [LINK]), waterboarding prisoners (something that contravenes international law [LINK]).


"But, but... we're the good guys, we can behave like this. China can't".



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This is the french bombing an Ammo depot yesterday...



French Jet Annihilates Rebel Ammunition Depot In Mali



They also bombed a convoy of 30 cars and trucks killing over a 100 militants.


So the Islamist`s in Libya,Tunisia,Syria and Egypt are all freedom fighters but the Islamist`s in Mali are terrorists.


Well, in my opinion, yes. I'm not saying the Islamists in Libya, Egypt and Tunisia aren't dangerous, but they don't on the face of it seem as violent as the ones in Mali or Nigeria for that matter.


Syria, probably are closer to the terrorist nutter catagory, and they are fighting nutters too. Best leave that one alone ;)

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what i read from your own link andy.

we are backing up france............makes a change :rolleyes:

they used to be the frenchs colony.


we arent going in to battle alledgedly but gonna train malian government forces?



so theyll come to bite us on the ass as usual later on :huh::loopy:

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Well done to the French in helping stem the al-Qaida-linked rebel groups occupying Mali's north.


The Americans do have limited experience in Africa, as LeMaquis has pointed out. They helped us defeat the Axis powers in North Africa, albeit after they received a bloody nose at Kasserine Pass. Lets just hope the French have the bottle to see it through.

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It's just two supply plane as well, to help out with logistics.


It seems to have escaped some folk that we made a military pact with France to share military equipment. We are providing logistical support and they are sharing an aircraft carrier with the Royal Navy until out new carrier is ready.

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How do you think world powers maintain their hegemony?


The British Empire wasn't built on sitting around a conference table devising a solutions package over tea and biscuits but the subjugation of other nations by brute force.


The American empire is much the same, but subtler.


How would we feel if China carried on like the U.S., invading oil rich countries on phony pretexts (WMDS that never existed), using predator drones against civilians (a war crime according to the United Nations [LINK]), waterboarding prisoners (something that contravenes international law [LINK]).


"But, but... we're the good guys, we can behave like this. China can't".




Waterboarding although not a pleasant experience is a suitable form of extracting information from pussies. Leaves no residual physical damage and if it prevents another terrorist attack it serves it's purpose.


China is not a target of terrorist activities but if China were and they captured suspected terrorists they'd do a number on them that would make waterboarding look like a Sunday dip in the pool

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