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Yet another war we get involved in

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For those that listen to propaganda news, the UK media, which do not tell the full picture of MALI, here are a few facts, and sand is not the only resourse as one educated individual stated.


Mali's Natural resources being exploited: gold, phosphates, kaolin, salt, limestone, uranium, gypsum, granite, hydropower


Mali's Natural resources NOT YET being exploited: bauxite, iron ore, manganese, tin, and copper deposits are known but not exploited


Gold is mined in the southern region and Mali has the third highest gold production in Africa (after South Africa and Ghana). The emergence of gold as Mali's leading export product since 1999 has helped mitigate some of the negative impact of the cotton and Côte d'Ivoire crises.


Electricity and water are maintained by the Energie du Mali, or EDM, and textiles are generated by Industry Textile du Mali, or ITEMA.[44] Mali has made efficient use of hydroelectricity, consisting of over half of Mali's electrical power.


Thankyou wiki.

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The war on terror is a self fulfilling prophesy, we create a war, the people fight back, we kill more of them foreigners, and they learn to desire killing the oppressive invading force. Just the sort of attitude the British would have exercised if the Nazi's had invaded the UK.


There were no terrorists in Iraq, now its full of them, which we should be proud of, as we created it all.


War is good, and requires killing civilians, called collateral damage, that sanitises and makes killing them acceptable for the media to inform the home population, which means we regard other people's lives as worthless. Sadly their relatives and friends do not share our sentiment, and they fight back, and try and kill us. We then declare THEY ARE TERRORISTS. This then justifies us pouring billions into the accounts of private companies that make the weapons, that we use to kill the terrorist people, we created to begin with. We kill lots and they then fight back, and the war on terror grows, as we join in the march into one country after another. Suddenly the world is full of terrorists, many who surprisingly enough live in mineral and resource rich countries.

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The war on terror is a self fulfilling prophesy, we create a war, the people fight back, we kill more of them foreigners, and they learn to desire killing the oppressive invading force. Just the sort of attitude the British would have exercised if the Nazi's had invaded the UK.


There were no terrorists in Iraq, now its full of them, which we should be proud of, as we created it all.


War is good, and requires killing civilians, called collateral damage, that sanitises and makes killing them acceptable for the media to inform the home population, which means we regard other people's lives as worthless. Sadly their relatives and friends do not share our sentiment, and they fight back, and try and kill us. We then declare THEY ARE TERRORISTS. This then justifies us pouring billions into the accounts of private companies that make the weapons, that we use to kill the terrorist people, we created to begin with. We kill lots and they then fight back, and the war on terror grows, as we join in the march into one country after another. Suddenly the world is full of terrorists, many who surprisingly enough live in mineral and resource rich countries.


Agree about Iraq it was pretty needless. But wasn't afghanistan chock full of terrorists ?

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It depends how one defines terrorist.


The 9/11 attach if one wishes to believe the official doctrine, was carried out by people, persons from Saudi Arabia, not Afghanistan.


To fund a war, one needs cash, and in Afghanistan prior to Bin Laden being there was unable to finance anything. Why, because firstly it was CIA money to fight the Russian Commies, and then later Saudi money from you know who.


Unfortunately Afghanistan was broke, the Taliban, a religious lot, almost wiped out poppy growing and the opium/heroin trade, and would have ceased had not the USA rescued it, and now its booming ever since. In fact booming so much that Russia, now not commi, begged the US to stop the trade as it was affecting so many of its population. Fortunately Uncle Sam refused, and lots of cash is now generated off book, for politicians, black opps and so on.


Bin Laden was killed off some time ago apparently, so the war to get him was apparently over. But you see in them hills lies wealth, lots of wealth, in mineral deposits, that China wishes to exploit. Not good for Uncle Sam, who wants to choke China off from all mineral and energy wealth globally.


So what is a terrorist? Answer someone that tries to kill you, or prevent you from raping wealth from the country ignorant peasants live in. They as you know are ill educated, poor, and are thus not really worth much, alive, so better off dead Afghanistan is a tribal country, with different tribes, all competing for the money the USA splashes about. Thus one tribe will inform the US lot, that the other is a terrorist and the US soldiers who know sod all about the culture there, and are not interested anyway, go off and shoot the terrorists. Thus one tribe gets the wealth, except they fail to kill everyone, just those in a certain place at a certain time, unfortunately weddings and such, where chiefs gather and are eliminated.


Now relatives of these corpses, get a bit upset, and get some of the hotheads together and want revenge. Revenge is about killing US troops, and revenge using makeshift IDE's is simple and cheap. What would you do if half of your family was blown up, or shot to pieces? Might you be upset? Or glad they were no longer a burden. Thus one can label anyone a terrorist who does not willingly co-operate with the invaders, as they are hiding something?


Terrorist is a name that simple folk can understand simply without having the bother with detail. Detail can confuse the issue and make one question the validity of such a statement. As you possibly know there are no freedom fighters anymore, they became terrorists in our media, stoked by politicians who have relationships with the military industry. Sometimes someone is very helpful, like Blair, who now through agreements makes millions a year as a peace representative, but in reality a piece man, who has a piece of this and that, for being a very good boy, and doing what he was told.


One of the biggest groups of fighters in Afghanistan came all the way from Libya, who sent more people there than anyone else. We backed them to get the oil concessions in Libya, that is nothing more than gang and tribal warfare in a country of chaos we helped to create. Many of these freedom fighters are now in Syria, fighting the good fight against yet another terrible tyrannical regime, that the USA wants in its pocket.


Next we all know is Iran, a country who has not attacked anyone for 180 years, but has more oil that Saudi Arabia. They will be the next Hitler, tyrannical regime that a group of fighters will be supplied with guns and explosives, doing the dirty for the USA. Have you not recognised a pattern to this Empire builder yet? Have you not noticed how the press vilifies one hateful leader after another, and the USA is now in 35 countries in Africa seeking to kill terrorism, and all these countries have mineral wealth, and many deal with China, which is the point of Afghanistan, Iran, Africa and the rest. China must realise who is the boss, or the recent bill passed in the USA now allows the US military machine to nuke China in a pre-emptive strike, when it feels like it.


You tell me who the terrorists are because I really cannot tell anymore.

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For those that listen to propaganda news, the UK media, which do not tell the full picture of MALI, here are a few facts, and sand is not the only resourse as one educated individual stated.


Mali's Natural resources being exploited: gold, phosphates, kaolin, salt, limestone, uranium, gypsum, granite, hydropower


Mali's Natural resources NOT YET being exploited: bauxite, iron ore, manganese, tin, and copper deposits are known but not exploited


Gold is mined in the southern region and Mali has the third highest gold production in Africa (after South Africa and Ghana). The emergence of gold as Mali's leading export product since 1999 has helped mitigate some of the negative impact of the cotton and Côte d'Ivoire crises.


Electricity and water are maintained by the Energie du Mali, or EDM, and textiles are generated by Industry Textile du Mali, or ITEMA.[44] Mali has made efficient use of hydroelectricity, consisting of over half of Mali's electrical power.


Thankyou wiki.


I came across this regarding gold mining in Mali= http://www.iamgold.com/english/operations/operating-mines/sadiola-gold-mine/overview/default.aspx


---------- Post added 17-01-2013 at 19:28 ----------


Are we receiving payback for the planes we provided to the French for the crisis in Mali?

Now with the British hostages in Algeria,it does seem as if there could be a connection,but will we ever know.


Yes as the hostage takers have already stated.

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Are we receiving payback for the planes we provided to the French for the crisis in Mali?

Now with the British hostages in Algeria,it does seem as if there could be a connection,but will we ever know.


Why have they taken nine from Norway-they have not participated in any logistical support?

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