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Did You Live In Shiregreen?


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I know there aren't many shops on Paper Mill Road now but in the 50/60's it was full of well used vibrant shops like the Co-Op,Westmorlands run by Doris and Sunny selling mouth watering cakes, Coups whose son Paul we went to school with selling fresh veg, can't remember what came next but there was a very well used chip shop then some small shops like a ladies hairdressers and a shoe shop then Potts the newsagent the very end shop was Avils I think. It had most items for everyday living at a time when not many had their own transport and they were friendly places where you knew the owner and they knew you and what you wanted,perhaps I'm looking through rose tinted glasses but those days weren't that bad compared to our current impersonal consumer age.

Ted Hills

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I used to be the best mate of his only Son also called Charlie..I remember him (Charlie Senior) as a very hard working chap ..and he had no hair (not even eyebrows) ..and he used to keep hens in his back garden..and he was one of the first people in Shiregreen to have a TV...also remember his wife, She was a very nice kind woman who I liked a lot.
Hi Was Charlie senior a bricklayer do you know l worked with a chap many years ago with the description you give, but forget the name Cheers Arthur.
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Shiregreen is a large area n I lived on the edge, Wincobank Hill. Top of the world. Panorama of Sheffield in the mid 60s.

Sheffield was glowing with the furnaces down Brightside Lane n Carlisle Street.

On Thursday nights You could hear the speedway at Owlerton.

The top of Jenkin Road must be one of the High points of SHEFF.

I Love this CITY.

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Shiregreen is a large area n I lived on the edge, Wincobank Hill. Top of the world. Panorama of Sheffield in the mid 60s.

Sheffield was glowing with the furnaces down Brightside Lane n Carlisle Street.

On Thursday nights You could hear the speedway at Owlerton.

The top of Jenkin Road must be one of the High points of SHEFF.

I Love this CITY.


Yep must agree, been a refugee in rotherham for not far off 20 years and I still miss the place. From the top of Parkwood you could really see the " Full Monty" Sweet home panorama!!!:love::love::love:

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Hey Rab, I'd forgotten all about the speeway but you are right, it could be heard Thursday nights on Shiregreen. Another sound I remember is Shardlow's steam hammer, or should that be hammers. Didn't they have two?



I remember the steel hammer(s). Used to scare me to death as a young un in Shiregreen.

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I used to live on Woolley Wood road, opposite the big playing field until I moved in 1981... I loved living there ... near the wood and park..close to the shops at Nethershire, family nearby too, and not too far to the school... Wooley Wood, Beck Road junior school, Firth Park comp and of course, historic Brushes... I loved that school building and was very sorry to hear that it had been demolished...

Does anyone here remember the art teacher Mr Bee and his yearly outings with the class to the London Galleries....???

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