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Did You Live In Shiregreen?


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I used to live on Hatfield House Lane opposite the school, in the summer there were cricket matches on the cricket field , it was good to see it still there when I had a look a couple of years ago. Got hit in the mouth with a cricket ball while watching practice there, it was during the war. I can't remember who owned the ground, anybody know?

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I used to live on Hatfield House Lane opposite the school, in the summer there were cricket matches on the cricket field , it was good to see it still there when I had a look a couple of years ago. Got hit in the mouth with a cricket ball while watching practice there, it was during the war. I can't remember who owned the ground, anybody know?

I remember the cricket ground well as I played there once as a member of a Newton Chambers apprentice team. We were well and truly beaton but I'm sure the locals watching enjoyed it. The date would have been around 1955/56. I've no idea who owned it.

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I just remember it as a nice clean estate probably one of the best in Sheffield. I just get very sad when I see the deterioration of the verges and some of the properties.


The local council at the moment has been remodernising the area inside homes and out. They have lovely plans for the area such as doing away with overgrown hedges and replacing them with fences and walls, and they are replacing the verges with a hardened base with which grass can grow through!

Needless to say local scumbags will find a way to ruin it and turn it back into a sh**hole. Probably with graffitti and vandalism!

I have grown up on this estate all my 26 years of life :suspect: starting at lower shiregreen in my childhood days and then moving to upper shiregreen after I left home.

Must say I agree with the earlier thread the upper is def better than lower but only slightly :roll: Never the less this is my home and even with its downfalls I wouldn't consider moving anytime soon.

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Good to hear that Sheffield Council are making improvements to

Shiregreen, lets hope that it gets back to how it used to be.

I lived at Lower Shiregreen and remember how lovely it was to

live there. Until there is a change of attitude towards sorting out

the yobs there will always be a threat to the estate declining

again - good luck to the improvements.

In my child hood I was proud to live on Shiregreen as this was

one of the best estates in Sheffield along with Wisewood.

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Hi Beenicko,

I did think that it would be the old Cintride works, we lived

opposite there when it was a thriving business, with all the

top cars parked in the car park.

Re: Station House yes it was certainly a house the signalman

(Mr Lickorish) lived there for many years.

What has happened to Arthur Lee & Sons, I worked there in

their Purchasing Department for 10 years, is it still on the go !!

Also my father worked in the cold rolling mills until he retired.


Hi Fast, Arthur Lees is no longer there. I don't what happened to them, the place is now flattened and used as a scrapyard.


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Hi Stewpot54. I remember one of the Hammond girls. I went to Woolley Wood School with her, Yvonne. I moved on to Hucklow Road and then to Hinde House to finish my schooling years.


Yvonne is married to Jim Smith the football manager and now lives near Oxford.

There are three girls me being the eldest and also two elder brothers.

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I started teaching at Shiregreen Middle School in the late seventies.. Kids include Andy Matthews, Gary Fothergill, Rowding Family, Flint Family, Walches etc Teachers were Pete Inman, Bernard Priest, Gwen Marsden, Mike Mahoney, Jim Friar, Dave Hutton etc.

yes i went to shiregreen school with david rowding joseph flint gary welch

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Hi Beenicko - Was very surprised to learn that Arthur Lee & Sons

is no longer there, it is sad as a lot of jobs would have been lost.

They also had a second company at Ecclesfield. I started at Arthur Lees as an Office Junior about 1960 and

left in 1975. There was a 'Basket Bridge' over the railway line

which all the office staff walked over to get to the offices, from

Wooley Wood Bottom. My father worked there all his working

life until he retired. A sad passing of an era, but a memorable

time. :)

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