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Did You Live In Shiregreen?


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hi there just been reading your message and thought id let you know that dereck darby died about a month ago,apperently it was suicide.a friend of mine knew him and she was quite shocked,sorry if you didnt know.


hi, can i just say it was not a suicide.. and for the sake of derricks family and friends (like myself)i think messages like that are more suited to private inboxes, thank you very much..

what if his teenage sons saw that, how do you think it would make them feel to know people are spreading rumours about their dad killing himself?

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It was very sad to read what a sorry state Shiregreen is in now. I have the happiest of memories of my time there. Our family moved to Deep Lane from Wincobank just after the war and we finally moved when my brother died in 2004, that's 57 years. To me as a youngster it had everything I needed: plenty of open spaces to play on, thick woods to explore, the lively church of St James & St Christopher where all my friends sang in the choir,we formed a youth club and generally had a most exciting and fulfilling time. We were in and out of most of our neighbours houses and everyone helped one another. Our next door neighbour won best kept garden in Sheffield for several years running so we had something to look up to. I now live in Loughborough and have recently retired and would love to hear from others from that golden era.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I've recently discovered some cine film I took round about the late 1960's of Whitsun parades from St. Christophers and lots more of youth activities connected with the church, brought back happy memories of good times. The scout troop was a thriving group to be in then, big band with trumpets and base drum, weekend camps and good way to meet new friends, Anyone remember Mr. Littlewood in the scouts who was quite old when I first got involved but seemed to go on for years lovely to talk to about philosophical ideas, but there always seemed to be plenty of people around who had similar ideas a sort of verbal passing on of traditions which is sadly missing these days. Before the M1 was built there was a football pitch between Ecclesfield Road and the River Don where we watched teams from the local Hemmings steel wire firm playing , There used to be a mill pond a little further along (is this where Paper Mill Road got its name from)where we caught newts and tadpoles. It almost seems like a different world looking back on those times in hindsight and I have no regrets about living in Shiregreen in those times at all.

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I went to Hartley Brook school from 1959 to 1962 and so knew lots of the locals. Without listing a bunch of names - were any of you guys there then? Don't know what it's like now, but coming from Attercliffe to school there it was like another planet!

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I've recently discovered some cine film I took round about the late 1960's of Whitsun parades from St. Christophers and lots more of youth activities connected with the church, brought back happy memories of good times. The scout troop was a thriving group to be in then, big band with trumpets and base drum, weekend camps and good way to meet new friends, Anyone remember Mr. Littlewood in the scouts who was quite old when I first got involved but seemed to go on for years lovely to talk to about philosophical ideas, but there always seemed to be plenty of people around who had similar ideas a sort of verbal passing on of traditions which is sadly missing these days. Before the M1 was built there was a football pitch between Ecclesfield Road and the River Don where we watched teams from the local Hemmings steel wire firm playing , There used to be a mill pond a little further along (is this where Paper Mill Road got its name from)where we caught newts and tadpoles. It almost seems like a different world looking back on those times in hindsight and I have no regrets about living in Shiregreen in those times at all.

Ted..I Keep on seeing all the things you keep posting about Shiregreen,and Newton Chambers,Wooly Woods,St James and St Christophers, Mr littlewood etc and it mirrors my life in Shiregreen and Newton Chambers and the Scouts ( I was the first person to play that bass drum I remember the night when all the new instruments arrived for the band) we collected tons of old newspapers to pay for them and stored them in the loft of the Church

My now Brother in law "Roy Mansfield" was one of the Scout masters..and I was the the leader of the Stag Patrol......But I can't put a face to your name...we must have met several times.

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I used to live on Shiregreen, 1963 to 1974. I expect it has changed a bit since then. Is there many shops on Paper Mill Lane now?


I live in Ecclesfield village, quite near to the old Paper Mill on Church Street. I wonder if this is why Paper Mill Lane is so called?

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Thanks for your message, I well remember Roy Mansfield he is on my cine film leading the scout troup up Bellhouse Road, He will know me from being head server and leader of the youth club/ re: Newton Chambers I started 1954 after leaving school and worked in Warren Lane factory up to 1968 so our paths would not have crossed there but may well have if you had any connection with St Christophers/the vicar was Philip Cawood during the good days!

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