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Did You Live In Shiregreen?


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Donnay-Yes I remember Mr. Webb very well, I too was in the choir for a good spell before becoming a server under Philip Rogers and then got very involved in the Youth Club. One clear memory of Mr. Webb was whilst I was in hospital having my appendix out he came to visit me and made me laugh so much that I cried out with pain from the stitches pulling. Also knew the Pinder family and that wise philosopher Mr. Littlewood. As for amateur dramatics, different groups put on some really superb shows, I know the youth club did. Looking back those were exciting, character forming years and it was a privilege to have been part of it.

Ted Hills

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Reading through all our previous messages you might well think that the times and place we lived in were idyllic but we tend to remember the good times and forget the bad. There was one incident whilst I was at the Beck Road junior school around 1948-50 which shows a different side and illustrates that there are always going to be exceptions to the norm. At one of the break times we were all in the play ground playing football etc. when a fight started and one boy drew a knife from his pocket and started to attack another boy. He didn't get very far though because quick as a flash Mr. Ellis and Mr. Midgley? shot out and chased him onto the grassed area and rugby tackled him to the ground then frog marched him to the headmasters office. Maybe this kind of thing happened more frequently than we think because within minutes we were all playing again as if nothing had happened. Was the headmaster Mr. Hanford and the only one with a car? All the other teachers came by bus. Ted Hills

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How many of the teachers of the early fifties can we remember ?

Mr Ellis,Mr Midgley,Mr Gill, Mr Hill, Miss Wadsworth, Miss Hawke, Miss Haslam all in the Juniors Under the headship of Mr Hanford. In the Infants with Miss Glossop in charge were Mrs White, Miss Varnishion, Mr Turner. Can't recall any others. Perhaps others will !!:huh:

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Thanks clown for reminding me of the teachers names I've been trying to recall them for long enough. The one in particular I wanted was a Miss Haslam who I have fond memories of because after a story telling session she announced that I was the best listener and presented me with the book she had been reading from, she must have had a soft spot for me! Seem to recall she got married whilst we were with her.Happy days.

Ted Hills

Edited by Ted Hills
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Yes I remember Mr Gill he was our form teacher in our 11+ year, he must have been O.K as I passed (dont ask me how) but I can remember he hit a girl called Barbara Smith and her mother came up to school and gave him a right dressing down. I hate to think what the consequences would be today.

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Ted, John and Legs 49,


Miss Haslam married Mr Gill Round about 1955 as I remember. She was the teacher that spit as she was shouting at the kids. Miss Wadsworth kept us quite by reading Enid Blytons Four adventures, another way was th throw the board rubber or chalk at whoever was talking or miss behaving.

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On the same theme as recent posts can anyone remember any of the teachers at Hatfield House Lane Junior in the early 40s. I can only remember Miss Butterworth. As some earlier posts stated, the lessons in homes were at the beginning of WW2. I well remember as our house in Fircroft Rd was also used for these It was brilliant to only get up just before the lessons started.

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