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Did You Live In Shiregreen?


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I lived on shirehall Rd. from 1933 to 1940, I was just a baby when my parents moved into what was a new house. I have good memories of my childhood there.I lived next door to my cousin we were of a same age. We spent hours playing marbles on the road edges ,there were not many vehicles around mostly they wre trades people who came around selling things. In 1939 , early in the year my young brother was born, we went to the seaside that year, when we came home all the bits of an Anderson air raid shelter lay in the front garden. When the war started we went to peoples houses for our education, that did'nt last too long. I always lived on council estates in those days, all I can say is people were different then , there was always a sense of community.

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Does anyone remember The Ravine, the green wedge inbetween Deep lane and Wooley Wood Road, there used to be a stream which we made into a pond by making a dam across it, this green wedge was our playground being football/cricket pitch in Summer and sledging track in Winter, on bonfire nights we had huge fires to which everyone brought chestnuts and jacket potatoes, its all been filled in now and the stream runs in underground pipes.

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It was very sad to read what a sorry state Shiregreen is in now. I have the happiest of memories of my time there. Our family moved to Deep Lane from Wincobank just after the war and we finally moved when my brother died in 2004, that's 57 years. To me as a youngster it had everything I needed: plenty of open spaces to play on, thick woods to explore, the lively church of St James & St Christopher where all my friends sang in the choir,we formed a youth club and generally had a most exciting and fulfilling time. We were in and out of most of our neighbours houses and everyone helped one another. Our next door neighbour won best kept garden in Sheffield for several years running so we had something to look up to. I now live in Loughborough and have recently retired and would love to hear from others from that golden era.


Do you mean Mr Hodgetts at the bottom of Deep Lane, he always kept a lovely garden?

He used to go fishing too with the "Penguin" when they ran a fishing club in the early 60s.

He'd often go fishing with my dad and me on the Newark Dyke.

Was his name Dennis - I'm not quite sure?


We lived at No 39 - having moved there in 1958.

I left in 1971 when I got married, but my mother lived there until she died in 2003.

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Can anyone remember a Shiregreen lad called "Robin Watson" he lived on Sycamour House Road in Shiregreen he had a Sister but I forget her name...He was born with a "Hare Lip" Condition but this did not stop him from becoming very succsessful in his life...An ex King Edwards School lad, he was a brilliant pianist and artist and he used to entertain the the members of Shiregreen Youth Club with his piano playing....I remember he did a great rendering of "The Alligator Crawl" he also played at the Sycy Hotel for a short while with the resident band.. He then went on to become a "Doctor" but I don't know anymore of what became of him...I would like to know if he is still around he will be about 69 now.

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I was born at 14 Keppel Road, February 1945.


Don't remember much as my parents moved to Parson Cross when I was about 3 years old.


Strangely, about this time (1945) I do remember the sky filled with dots and a droning sound.

As a bub I remember bouncing on Mum's fleecy covered bed spread, thinking I was in clouds. Also, I remember having nightmares of running out the front gate at night and onto the street naked.


Funny how things can jog the memory 58 years later.


I was also from Kepple Road (born 1943) The story of the aircraft was true, I have a vivid memory of dozens of aircraft in the night sky all heading south. My father also related the story in later years

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Thanks for your message, I well remember Roy Mansfield he is on my cine film leading the scout troup up Bellhouse Road, He will know me from being head server and leader of the youth club/ re: Newton Chambers I started 1954 after leaving school and worked in Warren Lane factory up to 1968 so our paths would not have crossed there but may well have if you had any connection with St Christophers/the vicar was Philip Cawood during the good days!


Hi Ted

we were also members of St James and St Christophers and Philip Cawood and Philip Rodgers were the Vicars at our wedding in 1964, Philip Rodgers was a great friend of a chap I worked with in Reading and I suppose you know that he died very young. I also knew the Hodgetts in Deep Lane, my dad was a gardening pal of Mr H and I knew Lynda quite well around 1957/8

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