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Did You Live In Shiregreen?


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On 07/02/2008 at 16:59, Fast Runner said:

What a sorry state Grange Lane Station looks, my mother used to

clean at the station with Mrs Lickorice who lived at Station House.

I have many fond memories riding on the trains and helping to put

the coal into the furness on the trains. We had trips to Skegness from Grange Lane Station with my family.

What has happened to Grange Hall !! that was a fine building, when my mother worked there, Matron Bowes was in charge. Annie King was the Matrons Maid she was a very good friend of my mothers and came to tea every Saturday.

Most Christmas mornings we went to see the very tall Christmas Tree, that they had in the large hallway, and father

Christmas came to give presents to the children. I also remember the Hemmings and Cintride factories.

Thanks for the photo brought back memories.

Terry Liqorice went to our school i used to be sent up the railway track to pick coke that had fallen off the wagons comming down from Smithywood coking plant, sometimes there would be the chocks made of wood they burned well.i can remember a train leaving Ecclesfield station on an excursion to the coast it was on the Smithywood line. The nearby LMS had all the fast trains and the two coach Barnsley flyer.I used to help at Butterthwaite farm with Freddie Helliwell he sent me to Sheffield to fetch some parts in his brand new Morris 1100. Next farm was Shellys i knocked about with Paul who later had the chip shop at the top of Grange Lane he is no longer with us, ti went to Hatfield house lane school but never believed in it, on my last term i pulled out all the stops and came top of my class 4B it looked good on my leaving testimonial got me a job at dads place Steelos, i worked there until i was 21 hated the shifts couldnt do nights it wasnt for me, many years later i returned and was made a director and i was the last director to work on that site at Templebourgh, so not too shabby for a sec mod lad eh??. I have tons on memory,s of the area we lived on Ecclesfield road and the fields were straight across from our house , so building dens riding motorbikes and having fun was great for me.As for Deep Lane there was Judy Sherrat mmmmmm pat Askew Jack Bulivant ,Soappy Salkeld all lived in the area as i got older i worked part time in Southerns Garage the Shell one at the bottom next to Cintrides, great times spent there loved the dinners from the canteen at Cintrides.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love the nostalgia of the past. I was born in 1932 & as a Baby lived on Shirehall Rd. Moved to Hatfield House Lane in 1941, then to Masters Rd Parson Cross from where I joined the RN in 1949. Have lived in the SW since I joined up but I never forget my happy childhood in Sheffield.

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  • 1 month later...

I first Lived in 1Beckford lane that was the cottages at the bottom of Sicey avenue just below the shiregreen hotel or Tetleys as it was known,we then moved up to Number 15 a bigger cottage and better as it wasnt as damp as No 1. Orchards all around us fields hartley brook to play in making dams, we found some second world war bombs in the stream, think they had been after bombing Brightside foundry works and shardlows. We then did an exchange with Mrs Pearce and moved onto Ecclesfield rd 205. This house had views across  to butterthwaite farm we could see the trains go by watch the M1 being built.Schools were Beck rd with Mr Hill my fav teacher,dad worked at Steelos and his rota day was wednesday so he and uncle Jim took me fishing in the Vauxhall cresta, the school bobby pulled me out of class wanted to know why i wagged every wednesday ? mr Hill came out said to the bobby he learns more on wednesdays with his dad than he learns all week here. Off up to Hatfield house lane, half our class came from Attercliffe some rough lads, by half term most of em  had gone, most were in borstal!!

Didnt like the place the teachers knew they were there to produce cannon fodder for the pits or steelworks,left as top of the class in 4B thought it would do me good getting a job. Off to Steelos where dad worked loved it junior operative went to block release at Rotherham Tech, Worked in the different depts as office boys then into the bar mill stuck it until i was 21 shift work wasnt for me, i left to buy a tipper lorry and join my cousin Billy Edge on the building sites in Sheffield. Out at night in the Mucky Duck  all the clubs and bars in Sheffield at the time were great.  I had managed to buy a new MK3 Cortina 2000GT which i crashed on grange lane  into a Tarmac van that put me in hospital and i got 84 stitches in my face , that put me back but eventually Got married to Denise we moved to Thorpe Hesley  bought a small terraced house then onto a bigger 3 bedroom one then we moved to Brampton bierlow where we are very happy. Name from the past Billy Haddlington  Jimmy Farr, David Hudson. Paul Shelly, Jack Bullivant, Steven Yates, Steve Shelly who now lives up Grange lane,Dennis stocking,Paul Mallard,Terry Simpson,  Lynne Holingsworth, june Bates,    Judy Sherrat, Pat Askew,  Going to the fair at Ecclesfield listening to the groups on the balcony at the Shiregreen hotel, going into the Sicey hotel  sign the book as underage go into the concert room order 2 pints with the waiter, watch Joe cocker, Wow some life for a council estate lad i did OK  good old Shiregreen. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

It is really sad to read remarks like this. I with my parents moved into a brand new house on Shirehall Rd. about 1933,I was one year old. I lived there until 1940, then Hatfield House Lane. So, all my childhood in Shiregreen, it was wonderful. We always had brilliant neighbours & it was a very safe area, apart from German bombs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Was sad to hear the old estates have either gone now or are going downhill a bit?  I Was brought up on the Flower estate and had a brilliant childhood with good pals and neighbours who looked out for each other.  There were sometimes families who had a few problems but nothing other areas had I suppose.  Went through the old Shiregreen schools on Bracken Road where the staff seemed good and did what they could with the resources they had in those days. The schooling reminds me of 3 books I have recently read all set in the Shiregreen area and can thoroughly recommend them. Two are set in a big house a nice steady walk from the area and a poetry book written by Five sisters who reminisce about their chilhoods  The two fiction come biography books  were written by Lora Adams and are The Belle Fields and Ashes of Roses which is the sequel.  The poetry book is Say Kangaroo and written by , would you believe , Five Sisters!  I bought my copies on Amazon for a few pounds and hope anyone who gives them a try enjoy them as much as I have.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I lived in Shiregreen in the 1940's  during WW2.   (Homestead Road)

Went to St Patrick's  school at Sheffield Lane Top and then to De La Salle college at Pitsmoor.

We moved to Swanbourne Rd ( Sheffield Lane Top ).  I remember making tea in large watering cans and carrying it down to the Capitol cinema where the people who had been bombed out received temporary shelter. I spent every night for two years in the school shelter at St Patrick's school. I would be interested to hear from anyone of that era,  although as I am 93, I don't expect there are many people still alive

Brian Sweeney

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On 03/02/2008 at 18:19, Janner said:

Buck Rogers, I used to go to the Paragon before the war, am I right in thinking the cinema manager used to walk around trying to keep order with a long cane? The entrance fee must have only been a couple of coppers. Flash Gordon was also a favourite. Just had a thought was'nt it Buck Rogers that chewed gum when he was angry/

The Saturday morning show at the Paragon cinema used to cost 2d in the stalls and 4d in the balcony. At the greengrocers, opposite, one could buy a large brown paper bag full of shelled peanuts. Enough to throw at your near neighbours and still have plenty to eat. I well remember "Zorro ridees again !!!

Brian Sweeney

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