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Did You Live In Shiregreen?


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On 12/12/2020 at 18:45, Brian Sweeney said:

I live in Homestead road in the 30's and 40's, We moved to Swanbourne Rd at Lane Top and I use to pass Credland's garage on my way to catch the tram each day to go to my school ( De La Salle College)

Brian Sweeney

My Dad lived at 37 Swanbourne Road around late 50s - early 60s. Don’t suppose you knew anyone at that address?

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On 02/09/2007 at 15:47, Ted Hills said:

Timbuck The guy playing the big drum looks much older than 16 so I'm looking at a time 10 years later. We must be similar ages if you were 16 in 1955 so was I. I left Hatfield House Lane school in Easter 1954 and went to Newton Chambers apprentice school so we must have missed each other by months. What else were you involved with at the church?

I know it’s been a long time since this post but I wondered if you knew my Dad? He will have been 13 in 1955 though. He lived at 37 Swanbourne Road. I’m a bit apprehensive about writing his name but if you could help with that limited information then that would be great!

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On 09/07/2019 at 21:40, trickyob said:

hi raker just got back to this site i was born on woolley wood rd lived at 121 had three brothers fred george and mick

My aunt and uncle  Harry and Reenie Joyce lived on W. Wood Rd. In the 40s and 50s they had 2 daughters Rita and Hazel. Rita married a young man who's  father owned/managed the Huntsman pub. I lived at 99  Nethershire Lane.  I married in 1960 and moved south.

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On 08/02/2006 at 15:45, kensimmo said:


Hi Dee40.


I note what you see and agree that it's not a reflection of the whole estate but do think it is more than a minority element.


It's gone downhill rapidly during the 15 years that I have lived there.

One of the main problems with the Shiregreen Estate, since Sanctuary took over is they don,t enforce their own rules regarding garden upkeep etc.

I have lived in this house for 57 years and I must admit we made a mistake by voting in Sanctuary, it was much better with the council.

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  • 1 year later...

Yes I lived on Mason Lathe Road (top end) from being born in 1942 until I married and left home in 1969. Our neighbours were the Grayson's, Lynn's, Dodsworths going down the road and Rowbothams, Moseleys, Drivers going up. I remember Mrs Gould's shop on Bellhouse Road  which officially closed at 8:00pm. Her son Jo took it over after her daughter Eunice married. He had his own shop a little further up.

On 04/01/2022 at 11:37, GOLDEN OLDIE said:

Anyone lived on Homestead Road from 1942 onwards!!!!

 Our neighbours were Formans, Fallons, Hydes, McGrails, Bishops, Portons, Emery.



My uncle Sid and his wife and daughter lived at no 50 which had a small grassy space in front of it. Their neighbours were called Ratford I believe.

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It was Radford and they had a daughter called Susan  who was a friend of my sister Eileen. They lived in a house on what we called The Oval because it had a garden (tended by the Council every week) with the houses behind.

I have written a book called 'Bottle Green Knickers With Pockets - Growing up in the 1950s' published last year, which tells the story of my childhood at Homestead Road and in Sheffield generally during that time!  

I lived at 70 Homestead Road. My maiden name was Morton. I went to St.Pats and then to Notre Dame High School around 1953 or so!! My immediate neighbours were Forman, Hyde, McGrail, Fallon and Bishop.

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On 12/12/2020 at 15:50, Brian Sweeney said:

I lived in Shiregreen in the 1940's  during WW2.   (Homestead Road)

Went to St Patrick's  school at Sheffield Lane Top and then to De La Salle college at Pitsmoor.

We moved to Swanbourne Rd ( Sheffield Lane Top ).  I remember making tea in large watering cans and carrying it down to the Capitol cinema where the people who had been bombed out received temporary shelter. I spent every night for two years in the school shelter at St Patrick's school. I would be interested to hear from anyone of that era,  although as I am 93, I don't expect there are many people still alive

Brian Sweeney

Had a pal called Jimmy sweeny not seen him for 40 years bet your relatives 😉 

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