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Government Gateway..What a joke!!

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Has anyone had the pleasure of using this monumental **** up of a website??


I was helping my sister look for a job earlier today. Last time I used the Jobcentre website, it was quite straight forward and easy to use.


Now it's all changed to the Government Gateway. Who's idea was this?! It's almost unbearable. At a time when millions of people are out of work and looking for employment you would think the government would want to make the whole process as easy and hassle free as possible. But no, not only do you have to register, you have to have half your username sent to your email account........why??? I could understand if the site contained some sensitive information.

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Has anyone had the pleasure of using this monumental **** up of a website??


I was helping my sister look for a job earlier today. Last time I used the Jobcentre website, it was quite straight forward and easy to use.


Now it's all changed to the Government Gateway. Who's idea was this?! It's almost unbearable. At a time when millions of people are out of work and looking for employment you would think the government would want to make the whole process as easy and hassle free as possible. But no, not only do you have to register, you have to have half your username sent to your email account........why??? I could understand if the site contained some sensitive information.


The Government Gateway as existed for years, I use to complete myself assessment (tax returns.) can’t say I’ve ever found it difficult to use and its always been reliable.

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We should have known somebone why try to pass the buck


I'm failing to see any evidence of this "Buck passing" as Atos lands Government Gateway contract - Computer weekly - Wednesday 20 September 2006 15:15


And the date of the last election was 6th May 2010 as I remember and Labour had been in charge for 13 years at the time of that election


It is likely that Labour instigated the Government Gateway that Atos won the contract for, four years before Labour failed to win the election and the current lot took over.


Although if someone can show me some evidence that the Government Gateway scheme was enacted by the government prior to May 1st 1997 when when Labour first came to power I'd be interested.

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Has anyone had the pleasure of using this monumental **** up of a website?

Yes, I have; and I agree with maxmaximus (post #4)!

I use it for several things; as disparate as my VAT Returns and my blood-donor appointments.

As far as I can see, and apart from a slightly complex log-in procedure, it seems to work fine.

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