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Red Lion Grenoside


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Just to clear up once and for all the goings on at the top red.

I am the manager there and we are very much still open.

We had a problem during a Gas safety inspection which because the regulations were changed last year, meant that we were now out of spec, whereas every other year we have been ok. The delay in getting it sorted was mainly due to the ranglings between the leaseholders and the brewery as to who is responsible for paying for the work.

We got the kitchen gas sorted and are still 'in negotiations' over the central heating. We have alternative heating until it gets sorted.

Really that's all I wanted to say, other than to mention that a previous contributor to this link is believed to have been employed at the Royal Oak when that closed, hence the negativity.

I haven't posted here to argue or defend anyone but I do have to say the comment that the leaseholders pocketed any profits etc. is completely false.

My feeling is that it is extremely difficult to make ends meet when you are tied in to a big brewery and totally dependent to them.

Just a personal view, but much closer to the truth.


Good reply we need you to stay open

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Just to clear up once and for all the goings on at the top red.

I am the manager there and we are very much still open.

We had a problem during a Gas safety inspection which because the regulations were changed last year, meant that we were now out of spec, whereas every other year we have been ok. The delay in getting it sorted was mainly due to the ranglings between the leaseholders and the brewery as to who is responsible for paying for the work.

We got the kitchen gas sorted and are still 'in negotiations' over the central heating. We have alternative heating until it gets sorted.

Really that's all I wanted to say, other than to mention that a previous contributor to this link is believed to have been employed at the Royal Oak when that closed, hence the negativity.

I haven't posted here to argue or defend anyone but I do have to say the comment that the leaseholders pocketed any profits etc. is completely false.

My feeling is that it is extremely difficult to make ends meet when you are tied in to a big brewery and totally dependent to them.

Just a personal view, but much closer to the truth.


Never worked there just drank there everyday, I saw alot of what happened to lead to it's demise:suspect:

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Worked all my life, retired and like to enjoy a couple of pints during the day with friends. Is that so wrong??


Many moons ago it used to be my local.....At various times it switched between bottom Red, top Red and Norfolk Arms, depending on which landlord liked us best. :D


My mates Dad also used to be in the top Red virtually every day for a couple of pints.....He was also retired.


Good luck to the top Red, it's a nice pub which will hopefully remain so and not become another lot of apartments, like half of the pubs in High Green.





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Hi Kermit,

The thing is, what you saw and thought doesn't give you the full picture about what was really happening. It's ill advised to then make comments based on assumptions.

That's not to say mistakes weren't made, and it mattered more to staff and customers that the Oak closed, than it did to the brewery or the leaseholders. It's desperate when a pub closes, especially a local, but I think the Oak is a great pub with very loyal customers and it needs re-opening quickly. No-one's in a rush to do that though, or so it seems, so it's all very frustrating for everyone.


Doom, thanks for those kind words. The Top Red is just as important for the village as the Oak is for Chapeltown. We are doing everything possible to make sure we keep it open, and I think (hope) everyone is pulling in the same direction now.


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