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Growing up poor. Life on £8 a day.

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The child was an accident and therefore unwanted,but loved all the same.Bridie did lack direction but was unstable,aggressive and in trouble with the courts.She gave up training ,refusing the escape offered.All three were moderately attractive but can you imagine the type of person who they might attract?As two have kids they have considerable baggage,and Bridie is not for the faint-hearted.Would you be willing to offer one your personal support?


Aye, I don't see why not. But after say having a child there would be little financial incentive to stay together, it would be rational to split up and for me to pay them maintenance cash in hand so to speak. To maximise income through the tax-benefit system.

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Aye, I don't see why not. But after say having a child there would be little financial incentive to stay together, it would be rational to split up and for me to pay them maintenance cash in hand so to speak. To maximise income through the tax-benefit system.


I have never come across that one.Have you done this?Does it work?

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I have never come across that one.Have you done this?Does it work?


I have no children yet. I have known others who have done this though, it does work and it makes a lot of sense.




David Cameron today attacked ministers' failure to protect the family after it emerged that couples with children can become more than £5,000 a year better off if they split up or choose to live apart.

A study by the Civitas think-tank shows how millions of working families are missing out on the benefits paid to single parents.


Today the Conservative leader said the report exposed the 'madness' of Government benefits policy and its failure to protect the family.

He said: 'What a crazy thing for a country to be saying to people when we all know that family breakdown has such terrible consequences. Split up and be better off – what a crazy thing for the family to do – it is madness that we have this approach and Gordon Brown needs to change it.'


This is the problem with means testing, and effective marginal deduction rates that come about due to withdrawal of benefits.

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I have never come across that one.Have you done this?Does it work?


A single mum with children, and living on benefits is almost as well off as if she was a couple with children. If her partner works, he may live independently in cheap accommodation. If the children aren't his he has no liability to pay for them, so they have the surplus of his earnings along with her benefits. If the couple and the children all lived together, mum's benefits would be reduced or she might not get any depending on her partner's income.

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A single mum with children, and living on benefits is almost as well off as if she was a couple with children. If her partner works, he may live independently in cheap accommodation. If the children aren't his he has no liability to pay for them, so they have the surplus of his earnings along with her benefits. If the couple and the children all lived together, mum's benefits would be reduced or she might not get any depending on her partner's income.


Aye. It basically makes us men redundant, we cannot compete with the benefit system.


I have seen many women split up with friends and then demand higher maintenance payments.


My friends have paid maintenance cash in hand without the states knowledge and it works out best this way. Where it all goes wrong is when the woman gets greedy. I have seen it happen a few times now. They split up for the financial benefit, then start using the kids as a weapon - pay me more or I deny you access to kids type of thing. They then go through the CSA, and the woman ends up worse off, and the man's maintenance payments are often reduced!


Nowadays, tax credits often make up a majority of a family's income. Working families often get more in benefits than they do from wages.

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Exactly,i dont spend £8 per day and im 39.I have only spent £4 today and that was for my dinner.


So the other £4 is just for your heating and lighting then?


Did you not eat breakfast or lunch or have a drink today - other than tap water)?


Did you not need to use any washing up liquid or toilet roll? did you not wash and use soap , deodrant ?

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