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Growing up poor. Life on £8 a day.

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No. However £26.50 in the mid eighties adjusted for inflation is more than £56.25 today.


As per gym rat's earlier post.


OAPs with an income below £142.70 get topped up to this amount and are entitled to full council tax benefit.


You mum either has an income well above £142.70 a week (more than £20 a day), or is not claiming a benefit she is entitled to.


Nonsense. Old people have never had it so good.


OAPS get can get pension credit + full housing benefit FOR any sized property! + full ctb + free bus pass + winter fuel + Xmas bonus + cold weather payments.


That is £20 a day + full housing benefit FOR any sized property! + full ctb + free bus pass + winter fuel + Xmas bonus + cold weather payments.


A young person will get £8 a day + limited housing benefit and limited council tax benefit. No free bus pass, no winter fuel, no xmas bonus, no cold weather payments.


And some of them have to work 30 hours a week, every week for that.


start with - "all pensioners get CTB" when they don`t and work your way back,


I didn't say that.


in real terms it wasn`t, you didn`t get anymore of anything else for less money at the time.



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I didn't say that.



which you then followed by saying "thats £20.00 a day" how are we to know which of the several benefits you listed went to be discounted?





you didn`t, your £8 a day today has approx the same buying power my £5 had back then.

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Yes I did. And maybe - as she said in the documentary - if she was not "sleeping all day" like a "beached whale" and actually got off her a*se and properly looked for a job during her previous 12 months on the dole she might not have been put on the forced work placement.


You think I am going to give sympathy to that?


Like I say, its about taking responsbility for your situation. Nobody LIKES having to work but you grow up and get on with it.


She said she messed up at school, and was struggling to find work. She did also say she spent a lot of time lying in bed like a beached whale because she had nothing to 'get up for'. The program details her work placement and continues speaking;


"£55 ain't great for stacking shelves and stuff - BUT I am happy to be doing that because at least I'm working and doing something. I might be no better off but at least I am going down the right path."


After finishing her placement she is thrown back onto the dole, there is no paid job for her. Now then. Considering this girl was happy to be working for free. I can confidently say she would have more than happily worked for a proper wage. The only problem being, she couldn't find work.


And even with these work placements that manipulate long term unemployment and total unemployment figures, long term unemployment is still rising.


The problem ain't that she didn't want to work. She clearly did. The problem was the lac of PAID work. After working for nowt for 6 month she finds herself back on the dole, and perhaps somebody else long term unemployed can now work for free and the government can reduce the unemployment figures!


I put it to you that her sleeping all day wasn't down to laziness but was a very sensible strategy to conserve energy and thus what little money she had in between applying for employment and signing on and living a very very basic existence.

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Two of the girls (aged 17) out of the three end up pregnant.


A sad reflection of todays society. Perhaps if we stopped dishing out flats and benefits then girls would take more responsibility and we wouldn't have as many poor kids born into a life of poverty, etc



they didn't get pregnant on their own-or have I been misinformed all my life???

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which you then followed by saying "thats £20.00 a day" how are we to know which of the several benefits you listed went to be discounted?

Pension credit is just over £20 a day and you get all the other benefits I listed, if entitled to pension credit, I also forget to mention the fuel credit they would also be entitled to on top of cold weather payments and winter fuel allowance.




you didn`t, your £8 a day today has approx the same buying power my £5 had back then.


No. Your £3.79 back then has more than £8 purchasing power today. What year was your YTS?

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She said she messed up at school, and was struggling to find work. She did also say she spent a lot of time lying in bed like a beached whale because she had nothing to 'get up for'. The program details her work placement and continues speaking;


"£55 ain't great for stacking shelves and stuff - BUT I am happy to be doing that because at least I'm working and doing something. I might be no better off but at least I am going down the right path."


After finishing her placement she is thrown back onto the dole, there is no paid job for her. Now then. Considering this girl was happy to be working for free. I can confidently say she would have more than happily worked for a proper wage. The only problem being, she couldn't find work.


And even with these work placements that manipulate long term unemployment and total unemployment figures, long term unemployment is still rising.


The problem ain't that she didn't want to work. She clearly did. The problem was the lac of PAID work. After working for nowt for 6 month she finds herself back on the dole, and perhaps somebody else long term unemployed can now work for free and the government can reduce the unemployment figures!


I put it to you that her sleeping all day wasn't down to laziness but was a very sensible strategy to conserve energy and thus what little money she had in between applying for employment and signing on and living a very very basic existence.



did she work for free or was she paid £55, your post is confusing on the fact.


---------- Post added 14-01-2013 at 21:28 ----------








No. Your £3.79 back then has more than £8 purchasing power today. What year was your YTS?



85 to 88 (that`ll confuse him)



you can say however many times you like "adjusted for inflation" - thats not real life mate.

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She said she messed up at school, and was struggling to find work. She did also say she spent a lot of time lying in bed like a beached whale because she had nothing to 'get up for'. The program details her work placement and continues speaking;


"£55 ain't great for stacking shelves and stuff - BUT I am happy to be doing that because at least I'm working and doing something. I might be no better off but at least I am going down the right path."


After finishing her placement she is thrown back onto the dole, there is no paid job for her. Now then. Considering this girl was happy to be working for free. I can confidently say she would have more than happily worked for a proper wage. The only problem being, she couldn't find work.


And even with these work placements that manipulate long term unemployment and total unemployment figures, long term unemployment is still rising.


The problem ain't that she didn't want to work. She clearly did. The problem was the lac of PAID work. After working for nowt for 6 month she finds herself back on the dole, and perhaps somebody else long term unemployed can now work for free and the government can reduce the unemployment figures!


I put it to you that her sleeping all day wasn't down to laziness but was a very sensible strategy to conserve energy and thus what little money she had in between applying for employment and signing on and living a very very basic existence.


Boo hoo. Nothing to get up for..... Try harder. Work doesn't get handed to you on a plate. She had 12 months to find work before this placement even came into her situation.


What about some education, training during those 12 months??

What about some volunteer work during those 12 months??


No far better to "conserve energy" by staying in bed all day eh....

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they didn't get pregnant on their own-or have I been misinformed all my life???


Indeed. And I dare say these girls are very vulnerable. With such a low income they are easy targets for people with a bit of money to exploit.


There are people out there that exploit these girls. Put a bit of money on the leccy card in return for sex, or perhaps a bit of food or some cigarettes. It seems the girl in Rotherham was being abused by her boyfriend, and that she came from care. She has to make out she is 'tough' just to get by. And considering the record of how children in care are left to fend for themselves in Rotherham, I'm surprised she wasn't carrying a blade for her own safety!




Today’s Times reveals that South Yorkshire Police had detailed knowledge of how young girls were being groomed, pimped and sexually abused for more than a decade – yet nobody was prosecuted using this information.


In the past two years the Times has broken a string of child sexual abuse stories, highlighting how networks of men, usually of south Asian origin, were exploiting underage girls for sex in South Yorkshire and the Midlands. Hundreds of children are believed to have been exploited.


Young teenagers, many from troubled backgrounds or in care, were singled out for attention by local men, who would often act as a boyfriend. Over time, using drugs, alcohol, violence and the threat of abandonment, the girls would be coerced into having sex with their friends. In some cases girls were driven all over the country to be used for sex.


These people need jobs, what is the government doing to replace the industry it has forced overseas via high housing costs, so that people can work and earn an honest wage, and be better off for doing so!


Yet some of the least worldly wise, poorest and disadvantaged women in our society are being forced to work for free, and becoming targets for sexual exploitation.

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in 85 3.57 was worth 9.03 by 1988 it had dropped to 7.89. I remember it well


but chemist thinks the 80's was just one big tea party with council houses for all.


the strikes and mass unemployment for the whole decade and more were just a big laugh>>>>>>>>

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