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Kids throwing stones at passing cars


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A government building, Since when as throwing stones at David Cameron's car been a government building lol.


Here I've edited my comment and added a link to Wikipedia explaining what a building is. ;-)




Please accept my most humblest apologies, I should have typed Government Property, my error. Thanks for withdrawing the insults.


Doesn't change the the false accusation you made about DC closing a youth club in Foxhill.

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In other words the police are more interested in catching more serious criminals. That is what they are paid to do. Only a criminal would complain that the police try to catch criminals.


The police also look for drivers over the drink-drive limit, joyriders, stolen vehicles, etc.


That was 100% predictable.

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At the junction at top of Foxhill road, hubby was driving home from work about 7.30pm tonight, stopped at the junction and a group of youths in hoodies started throwing things, he thinks stones, at car. He put window down and asked what they were doing, and they all gathered round car asking "what?!". When he drove off they threw stones again.

Been reported to police but what are they gonna do really??!! Just Ask them politely to move on I expect, then they can just go and do it somewhere else.


Makes my blood boil, they have no respect for anything, we work hard to be able to afford a nice car and little ****s like that just pointlessly throwing stones at it. What is wrong with kids today? Don't know if any damage done as it was too dark to see, guess we'll find out in the morning hey?!

I hope someone catches one of them and gives him a pasting he will never ever forget


---------- Post added 17-01-2013 at 14:19 ----------


I really think the word we are looking for is respect. Plain and simple, yet so powerful. A group of young lads 14-15-ish asked me to get them some fags outside to co-op. When I said no, they called me all sorts of expletives. Basically, they wernt intimidated by me at all, even though im a bloke. Is that pack mentality, or just plain stupiness, bearing in mind I could have snapped all six of them in half? At that age, I wouldnt have dreamed of swearing at a bloke bigger than me, or swearing at anyone else for that matter.

East bank rd by any chance?

Take a suit of armour next time.:mad:

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I don't know who I'd blame first, the kids that are throwing the stones, or the government for axing youth clubs etc. Maybe we should throw them on a bus drive them to David Cameron's house and let them throw stones at that scumbags car as he pulls off his drive. Ironically in his over priced car, paid for by the money he's saved axing the youth clubs.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


Please accept my most humblest apologies, I should have typed Government Property, my error. Thanks for withdrawing the insults.


Doesn't change the the false accusation you made about DC closing a youth club in Foxhill.


lol are we reading the same comments, not once in my original comment (top) did I write that David Cameron has closed a youth club in Foxhill. What I actually wrote lol

was - I don't know who I'd blame first, the kids that are throwing the stones, or the government for axing youth clubs etc


Read the last 2 words //Youth Clubs// as in Youth Clubs in general

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lol are we reading the same comments, not once in my original comment (top) did I write that David Cameron has closed a youth club in Foxhill. What I actually wrote lol

was - I don't know who I'd blame first, the kids that are throwing the stones, or the government for axing youth clubs etc


Read the last 2 words //Youth Clubs// as in Youth Clubs in general


You were blaming the government for the youths throwing stones because they have closed down some youth clubs??? just bizzare?? so a youth club in say glasgow being closed is somehow responsible for a youth in Foxhill throwing stones at cars? And then you go on to approve of the same youths damaging government property indeed encouraging them to travel to London to do so?? You really do post some odd stuff, and blame the wrong people for the wrong things. Take a good look at yourself. Oh and welcome to sheffield. HA HA HA HA HA :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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You were blaming the government for the youths throwing stones because they have closed down some youth clubs??? just bizzare?? so a youth club in say glasgow being closed is somehow responsible for a youth in Foxhill throwing stones at cars? And then you go on to approve of the same youths damaging government property indeed encouraging them to travel to London to do so?? You really do post some odd stuff, and blame the wrong people for the wrong things. Take a good look at yourself. Oh and welcome to sheffield. HA HA HA HA HA :hihi::hihi::hihi:


Encouragement, I've encouraged the youths to go to London. I don't know these youths to do so, I've never seen them before, don't know there names or have any idea what they look like so tell me how I've encouraged these youths to go to London LOL....

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