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Club 3621, New Night.


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Sounds a bit silly. Say you spend 5k and turn up in sportswear. Do they let you in or not? if not do you get refunded?


Pretentious for Sheff to say the least.


In another post I said about Sheffield needing a shot in the arm in relation to people wanting something for nothing - this however takes the biscuit!


£5000 to sit in Genting Club? I'll give it a miss thanks......


if you'd actually read the information you'd know that it doesn't cost £5k to attend the event. £5k is one of the package options, there are others. The is also simply an entrance fee if you do not wish to purchase a package. As for turning up in sportswear I'd hope they would turn you away without a refund for being an idiot.


Can't wait til you people find out about the application for a new strip club, bring on the tears....

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After speaking to a guy that is bar staff there apparently none of the tables over £200 sold. As for my estimate of numbers I was wrong at 20 ;) but it was sub 110....And a lot of 'tickets' were given away to try and fill it.


There were rumours they spread on Twitter etc claiming footballers and models were going but apparently the alleged footballer that wanted the £5k table no showed (surprise surprise!)


A year, I think is ambitious. 1 More event maybe next month and it will be done.


As for strip bars Sheffield has always been quite liberal in its support of them. Earlier in 2012 when they all needed to be re-licenced it was done with very little fuss.

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if you'd actually read the information you'd know that it doesn't cost £5k to attend the event. £5k is one of the package options, there are others. The is also simply an entrance fee if you do not wish to purchase a package. As for turning up in sportswear I'd hope they would turn you away without a refund for being an idiot.


Can't wait til you people find out about the application for a new strip club, bring on the tears....


I read the information fully thank you so funnily enough I could see it did not cost 5k to attend the event - I made a point that I would not pay £5000 to sit in Genting Club, a point which I think is quite valid.


As for strip clubs, not an issue for me at an all mate - more than happy for them. Was also more than happy for Hooters but unfortunately as per usual we did not get that.


I'm a massive supporter of Sheffield and a keen supporter of the nightlife - I dont mind spending money in the city and would like to see many more venues catering for over 25's but this sort of thing really isnt it.


The way it has been advertised I think is actually quite patronising and stinks of arrogance. And low and behold from another poster it seems after all that it was a big wash out anyway.

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