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Club 3621, New Night.


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I read the information fully thank you so funnily enough I could see it did not cost 5k to attend the event - I made a point that I would not pay £5000 to sit in Genting Club, a point which I think is quite valid.


As for strip clubs, not an issue for me at an all mate - more than happy for them. Was also more than happy for Hooters but unfortunately as per usual we did not get that.


I'm a massive supporter of Sheffield and a keen supporter of the nightlife - I dont mind spending money in the city and would like to see many more venues catering for over 25's but this sort of thing really isnt it.


The way it has been advertised I think is actually quite patronising and stinks of arrogance. And low and behold from another poster it seems after all that it was a big wash out anyway.


Nail on head - especially the Hooters bit, though I dare say Leopold Square wasn't the right area for it, but it would do well around West One!


The area around St Pauls / Peace Gardens would suit a late bar or two aimed at the 20something crowd, its a nice area and Sheffield nightlife needs to branch out from the West St/Division St area as its getting so samey and boring.

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The place aims to be exclusive and attract those individuals with a high amount of disposable income. The problem is people with real class and money wouldn't go there, its all just a bit pretentious and not really that classy at all. Looking at the photos of the people at the opening night the word try hards comes to mind, overly trendy clothes and hair cuts, fake tan and an excess of bling. If you had real money and class you wouldn't want to be jammed in a room with the masses all trying to look good you would be at a truly exclusive venue one that people don't know about or have to advertise.

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The place aims to be exclusive and attract those individuals with a high amount of disposable income. The problem is people with real class and money wouldn't go there, its all just a bit pretentious and not really that classy at all. Looking at the photos of the people at the opening night the word try hards comes to mind, overly trendy clothes and hair cuts, fake tan and an excess of bling. If you had real money and class you wouldn't want to be jammed in a room with the masses all trying to look good you would be at a truly exclusive venue one that people don't know about or have to advertise.


Agree with all this. Wannabe club, wannabe crowd. Not right for Sheffield.

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After speaking to a guy that is bar staff there apparently none of the tables over £200 sold. As for my estimate of numbers I was wrong at 20 ;) but it was sub 110....And a lot of 'tickets' were given away to try and fill it.


There were rumours they spread on Twitter etc claiming footballers and models were going but apparently the alleged footballer that wanted the £5k table no showed (surprise surprise!)


A year, I think is ambitious. 1 More event maybe next month and it will be done.


As for strip bars Sheffield has always been quite liberal in its support of them. Earlier in 2012 when they all needed to be re-licenced it was done with very little fuss.


This comment made me laugh! It's like reading the news of the world reading this entire thread. Me and my girls actually went to this night, it was the best night out in sheffield in a long time. We asked for a vip booth when we got there but they had all gone. It was packed, there must have been at least 700 in there. Music was great, everyone made an effort, there was no trouble and alot of familiar faces. I normally go out in manchester but il definitley be at the next one. The only thing they need to improve is it was too busy at the bar so more staff needed please ;)


I think all the people with nothing better to do than guess and presume need to stop being so negative about sheffield, its the 5th biggest city and until I went to Club 3621 our night life was pretty embarrasing xxxxx

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This comment made me laugh! It's like reading the news of the world reading this entire thread. Me and my girls actually went to this night, it was the best night out in sheffield in a long time. We asked for a vip booth when we got there but they had all gone. It was packed, there must have been at least 700 in there. Music was great, everyone made an effort, there was no trouble and alot of familiar faces. I normally go out in manchester but il definitley be at the next one. The only thing they need to improve is it was too busy at the bar so more staff needed please ;)


I think all the people with nothing better to do than guess and presume need to stop being so negative about sheffield, its the 5th biggest city and until I went to Club 3621 our night life was pretty embarrasing xxxxx


Don't let the police see this, Genting will get closed down for health and safety for overfilling a venue far beyond capacity.

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The place aims to be exclusive and attract those individuals with a high amount of disposable income. The problem is people with real class and money wouldn't go there, its all just a bit pretentious and not really that classy at all. Looking at the photos of the people at the opening night the word try hards comes to mind, overly trendy clothes and hair cuts, fake tan and an excess of bling. If you had real money and class you wouldn't want to be jammed in a room with the masses all trying to look good you would be at a truly exclusive venue one that people don't know about or have to advertise.


Hi all I work for Club 3621 and therefor feel that I am in a good position to answer any questions/clarify any of the issues or uncertainties people have surrounding the night.


I think the main question that needs answering is "Why not Sheffield"?

As someone has quite rightly put above we are the 5th largest city in the UK and when it comes to our clubbing scene we seem to be in the dark ages! To elaborate on this point our city nightlife is built on and around students, with people who are wanting something a little more up market having to travel outside of Sheffield or stick to certain bars on Eccy Road which although nice not a clubbing experience.


Are we saying that Sheffield does not have money or people who desire a night once a month to push the boat out for?


The launch night was a success we had over 600 people attend all of whom made an effort, there was not one bit of trouble on the door/inside the venue (how many other nights in Sheffield can say that?) which goes to show Sheffield is ready for a night like this;when you promote a night as an exclusive night people make that extra effort . We sold tables based on a minimum spend and there was an option at £5k (OPTION being the operative word!). We had a number of footballers attend and alot of people from Sheffield and surrounding areas that made that extra effort all of whom have all given very positive feedback. To clarify we did not give out free tickets to fill the venue.


Again if anyone has any questions I will do my best to answer and if I cant I will be able to find the answers, which should help eliminate all here-say :)

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You couldn't fit 600 in that space if you wanted too!


I think you are getting confused. Club 3621 is not just the front part where the bar and dance floor is. We take out the restaurant open all the dividers and the entire top floor is transformed into a club, as we change things around and add graphics. And visuals to enhance the already Well presented Settings.The capacity is in fact well over 600!


If you have had the vision the club is only that front part of the venue I can understand your previous comments, however this is the reason I have decided to respond, so I can hopefully give you a clearer picture and better understanding of what the club is.

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I think you are getting confused. Club 3621 is not just the front part where the bar and dance floor is. We take out the restaurant open all the dividers and the entire top floor is transformed into a club, as we change things around and add graphics. And visuals to enhance the already Well presented Settings.The capacity is in fact well over 600!


If you have had the vision the club is only that front part of the venue I can understand your previous comments, however this is the reason I have decided to respond, so I can hopefully give you a clearer picture and better understanding of what the club is.



That is the video of the launch night. Do you still want to claim there were 600 people there? Or was it filmed before the other 500 arrived?


I also spoke to the guy that runs the restaurant. Its capacity is 120, to get a standing capacity you x3 so that would be 360 max + the 'disco' ball area. He also mentioned that they served dinners on that Saturday until 11 and did not remove any of the seating and tables in the restaurant area which would drop your capacity back to nearer 150.


I am not trying to be difficult but people coming on here with their first posts making silly claims of how successful something was, is a fairly common action. By claiming 600 you are stating almost half the capacity of Crystal came, and as I mentioned the guy on the bar said he thought it nearer 100. He also mentioned that there were a lot of 'dummy' champagne bottles for pictures with :hihi:


I also see from Twitter they are looking for new help promoting the night and that the most expensive table is now £1k. That also tells me more truth about what really sold at the first event.

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That is the video of the launch night. Do you still want to claim there were 600 people there? Or was it filmed before the other 500 arrived?


I also spoke to the guy that runs the restaurant. Its capacity is 120, to get a standing capacity you x3 so that would be 360 max + the 'disco' ball area. He also mentioned that they served dinners on that Saturday until 11 and did not remove any of the seating and tables in the restaurant area which would drop your capacity back to nearer 150.


I am not trying to be difficult but people coming on here with their first posts making silly claims of how successful something was, is a fairly common action. By claiming 600 you are stating almost half the capacity of Crystal came, and as I mentioned the guy on the bar said he thought it nearer 100. He also mentioned that there were a lot of 'dummy' champagne bottles for pictures with :hihi:


I also see from Twitter they are looking for new help promoting the night and that the most expensive table is now £1k. That also tells me more truth about what really sold at the first event.


I don't think you are being difficult, it is your right to question something and find out the facts and facts are all I can offer.


I am not sure who you have been getting information off at the casino because we have their full backing and a very good relationship withh their staff. so would be interested to find out as it is obviously someone that did not work on the night and is either trying to put you off the night or they have gathered their information from unreliable sources.heresay! The restaurant was closed for the first Saturday since the casino has been open for the launch of club 3621 so as stated above the whole top floor was used and set up from the afternoon, I can promise you this because I was personally there helping out from about 3pm and also was there helping put things back in order at 6am! Don't quote me on the actual number but the capacity for the top floor where we had the night is around 700 but we limited the numbers to 600 and we reached capacity at various points throughout the night!


In terms of using empty champaign bottles, that is a ludicrous claim and one that has been fabricated so I wouldn't listen to such claims in the future. Again I can assure you the bottles were full (maybe not at the end of the night:) after all we would not provide out customers with dummy bottles.


I don't want to start broadcasting what people have pre booked their tables for on the next event but again will assure you that £1000 is not the highest pre booked table. However like we have previously stated there are many different package options.


The only thing that we agree with was that it was very congested at the bar and sometimes difficult to get a drink. The casino staff worked very hard to keep it flowing however we had a unforseen issue with the tills but these are teething issues u get with a new night and we are working hard with the Genting Club to ensure that this and a few other minor things are put right for the second event.


Like I have said at the start I can only give you facts and if we are judging the night on people in attendance, effort made on the night ( by attendees), feedback from people who actually attended and the amount of people already coming to us for the second night, in my opinion that would make the night a success!

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