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Lodge moor/fulwood late 60s early 70s.

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Spent a lot of my youth on the spider park on crimicar playing fields also fulwood cafe and the woods,just wondered if anyone else on here had done the same,probably 69-72ish.Fond memories.Each time I visit home compared to then there does'nt seem as many kids about now......Nintendo syndrome perhaps.

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My memories of Fulwood around that time are of fishing for sticklebacks in Forge Dam and Wiremill Dam, Forge Dam slide, rocking horse and swings. Playing football on Hallam Schools sloping lower pitch (no left and right wingers, just top and bottom wingers), cricket on the top field (the Tip) when it wasn't flooded. Hiding in the undergrowth on Hallamshire Golf Club waiting for errant golf balls on the par 3 near the bus stop opposite Crimicar Lane. Playing in the 'cave' under the pavement at the end of Fulwood shops (over the fence by the off licence), buying penny black jacks and fruit salads in the Shack on the junction of Chorley Avenue and Fulwood Rd. Summer school in the old Guildhall on Fulwood Rd next to the scout hut (there was even a stage WITH curtains in there, would love to see if any of that is still there now it's a privately owned residence). There's so much more I'm sure but one thing I do know, I was very lucky to grow up in such a fantastic and apparently safe environment :cool:

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My memories of Fulwood around that time are of fishing for sticklebacks in Forge Dam and Wiremill Dam, Forge Dam slide, rocking horse and swings. Playing football on Hallam Schools sloping lower pitch (no left and right wingers, just top and bottom wingers), cricket on the top field (the Tip) when it wasn't flooded. Hiding in the undergrowth on Hallamshire Golf Club waiting for errant golf balls on the par 3 near the bus stop opposite Crimicar Lane. Playing in the 'cave' under the pavement at the end of Fulwood shops (over the fence by the off licence), buying penny black jacks and fruit salads in the Shack on the junction of Chorley Avenue and Fulwood Rd. Summer school in the old Guildhall on Fulwood Rd next to the scout hut (there was even a stage WITH curtains in there, would love to see if any of that is still there now it's a privately owned residence). There's so much more I'm sure but one thing I do know, I was very lucky to grow up in such a fantastic and apparently safe environment :cool:

I agree 100% Simonj,I feel very priviliged to have spent my youth in such an idyllic area,loved every second of it.The shack sweet shop was great,as was the frothy coffee in forge dam cafe.

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I was born in one of the houses on Blackbrook Rd just before the houses between there and Crimicar Lane were built in the early 60s. Can remember the Spider Park being built but our main play ground was the crags behind Redmires Rd and the Cafe outside the Hospital. It still has Cafe written on the roof but hard to read now.

Forge Dam was another favourite with the rowing boats - now sadly gone and the Dam very silted up. There is a campaign to get it back to its original state by the Friends of the Porter Valley (http://www.fopv.org.uk)

I was in the Cubs and Scouts in Lodge Moor as well which also resulted in lots of messing about in the area :)

You don't by any chance live in Fulwood now do you - but in Preston?

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I was born in one of the houses on Blackbrook Rd just before the houses between there and Crimicar Lane were built in the early 60s. Can remember the Spider Park being built but our main play ground was the crags behind Redmires Rd and the Cafe outside the Hospital. It still has Cafe written on the roof but hard to read now.

Forge Dam was another favourite with the rowing boats - now sadly gone and the Dam very silted up. There is a campaign to get it back to its original state by the Friends of the Porter Valley (http://www.fopv.org.uk)

I was in the Cubs and Scouts in Lodge Moor as well which also resulted in lots of messing about in the area :)

You don't by any chance live in Fulwood now do you - but in Preston?


My mum bought lodge moor cafe/shop in the spring of 72,the old chap had been there since the year dot.She resold it after much modernisation in the summer of 73,sale was only due to illness.It did'nt last long as a cafe after that,the couple that bought it were'nt as keen on the 6am starts and 9pm closing as my mum had been. I now live in a market town just outside preston,but have one or two freinds live in the fulwood area of preston.

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One of the boys in my class (J4S) at Lydgate lived in the house on Blackbrook road nearest to the main road. I used to cycle past there from Crosspool, go on past the Three Merry Lads down through the woods at Wyming Brook to come out at Rivelin Dams. The Wing family ran the Three Merry Lads in the 60's. Sadly Dave Wing died last year.

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One of the boys in my class (J4S) at Lydgate lived in the house on Blackbrook road nearest to the main road. I used to cycle past there from Crosspool, go on past the Three Merry Lads down through the woods at Wyming Brook to come out at Rivelin Dams. The Wing family ran the Three Merry Lads in the 60's. Sadly Dave Wing died last year.


A route I've taken myself,many many times.I dont think the track at wyming brook is open right through any more,used to be able to carry traffic,my dad would take is car that way,last time I was there it was full of huge potholes.

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