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Malaysian Government warns of V-necked jumper gayness ignorance

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How very bizarre. Clearly they have too much time on their hands.




'If your son likes wearing v-neck jumpers it's a sign he's gay': Bizarre advice given to parents by Malaysian government


They were once considered the height of fashion, worn by the likes of the Prince of Wales and tennis champion Fred Perry as he conquered Wimbledon in the 1930s.


More than 80 years after first being sold the V-neck sweater remains as popular with both men and women.

But in Malaysia wearing that type of sweater is considered a clear sign that the person could be gay. Government officials in the Far East country have issued a series a pointers to parents that they say are telltale signs of homosexuality. Among them is the wearing of a V-neck sweater as well as a preference for sleeveless T-shirts.


Teenagers who wear tight, light-coloured clothes and possess a 'chiseled' physique are also inclined to be gay. The so called tell tale signs were issued Teachers Foundation of Malaysia and backed by the Government.


The country's deputy education minister Mohd Puad Zarkashinot said few people in the Muslim country understood or knew the early 'symptoms' of homosexuality, bisexuality and transgender inclinations to prevent its spread.


Ten seminars have so far been held in Malaysia where the how-to-spot gay tendencies were delivered to parents.


More than 1,500 people turned up to the most recent to hear Zarkashinot say the guidelines were being issued to help children stay away from 'unhealthy activities'.


Homosexuality is illegal in Malaysia and has been described as being against the 'order of nature'. Last year Malaysian officials censored Lady Gaga's hit Born this Way as they said the lyrics promoted acceptance of gays and lesbians. Amnesty International criticised the seminars saying: 'It might sound like something from Victorian England, but this is modern day Malaysia.'

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