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Are You Still A Tad Worried About Eating Eggs?

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I liked eggs as you do, but I have to watch it now I have one now and again, it's moderation Swami, as I was told one now & again won't harm me :)


I understand the need for moderation and would enjoy having one now and again. Unfortunately the smallest quantity I think you can buy is a half dozen which means some will go off since I live on my own.


Reminds me of the old joke where the guy goes in the shop and goes to the till with 1 egg, 2 rashers of bacon, a small tin of beans and a small loaf. The young girl on the till says, "I bet you live alone don't you." "Yes but how did you know that?" says the man..."Oh I get it, it's the individual portions isn't it." "No," says the girl, "It's because you're an ugly old bugger."

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Do you think Free range eggs come from

A) hens running around a farm, living in a barn with a barn and fed on seeds etc




B) Buildings where 9 hens occupy every square metre with less than half a metre of headroom for each floor, and access to a 51% vegetation covered patch the size of a football pitch for every 2000 chickens. Fed on the same food as battery hens.


I love eggs but the view of too many is that free range eggs have anything to do with some kind idyllic and rustic farm -this is a myth. Factory farming methods are used to produce the vast majority of free range eggs. Factory farming is not a bad thing.


It's for this reason my eggs come from the local farmyard. The farmer gives you a tray and tells you to find your own eggs. That's a bit more free range....


You have to check them on a lamp though to be sure you don't have any that are incubating.

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