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First HMV and now Blockbuster

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What put the top hat on it was their 'Starlight' charity stuff

The Starlight thing appeared around the same time as the porn. Kids charities and porn don't make good bedfellows :mad:


I can hardly believe Blockbuster stocks porn. :wow: A bit shocked to be honest.

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What put the top hat on it was their 'Starlight' charity stuff

The Starlight thing appeared around the same time as the porn. Kids charities and porn don't make good bedfellows :mad:


That's a rather 'unfortunate' phrase you used there strix....:|

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It'll soon be all pound shops


Dont forget Greggs and Cash Convertors :hihi::hihi:


---------- Post added 16-01-2013 at 15:57 ----------


Merry Xmas from landlords eh. Quarter rent day seems to have pushed quite a few companies over the edge.


Fear not though, the government is forcing housing rents to rise. GDP will go up!


Its nowt to do with the rent. Its the fact that HMV and Blockbusters havnt moved with the times to compete with the online shopping market. If you dont adapt your business to move with the times ,you will go under. Also , supermarkets undercut HMV and Blockbuster . simple as that. Nothing to do with rent , sorry to spoil you rent rant.


---------- Post added 16-01-2013 at 15:58 ----------


I can hardly believe Blockbuster stocks porn. :wow: A bit shocked to be honest.


It must be under the counter ,as ive never seen it on the shelf. :suspect:

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I can't remember the last time I actually rented a video from a shop! It was a lot of years ago I know. I've bought the odd second hand movie from BB, but even that was ages ago. As far as I can see, a lot of them just turned into 'glorified' second hand film shops. It's not surprising they've gone to the wall.

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"Stick to your knitting" is an oft used business phrase, and with good justification.


Just as most start up businesses fail, so do many established ones when they change their business model, or when they don't change it. It's difficult being right.


Try and think of businesses over a hundred years old, and you won't think of many.


With this in mind I find some of the negative comments directed at HMV and Blockbuster's management somewhat simplistic. If it was easy being Amazon, then Amazon wouldn't exist.


Blockbuster's market belonged in the 80's and 90's and was always in decline since. I think the management did quite well to keep it going as long as they did.


It's easy to shout "they should have modernised" at HMV and Blockbuster from the sidelines, and sure they could have changed to be the first and biggest online shopping and rental brands on the market, but with just as much likelihood as being the largest travel agency business. I think the change is just as dramatic.


The success of online businesses are far more dependant on IT expertise than historical retail knowledge imho. You have it or you buy it, and HMV and Blockbuster had neither no matter who was in charge.

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Blockbuster, HMV, Comet, JJB etc grew at the expense of jobs within small independents - nobody to blame, it's history repeating itself, it's called progress.

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