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First HMV and now Blockbuster

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sorry to spoil your anti rent rant rant, but the overheads of the businesses are what have dragged them down


i agree that you have to adapt your business to move with the times, but it isn't that easy when you are saddled with long term, ongoing liabilities


Every business has overheads to pay , but many ,many survive and prosper, so you cant blame the rents . Take Blockbusters , no one rents video`s anymore ,not with things like SKY movies on demand, etc. Same with HMV ,people download music now , either legally or illegally. Im sorry ,but there just isnt demand for places like HMV or Blockbusters anymore.

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It is all the fault of greedy councils.


If rents and parking were cheap, then our high streets would be busy with trade.


Mind you, people need to wake up and smell the coffee, we are in a global depression, only thing left is World War 3.


Couple of points re rent - how much commercial property do SCC own ? I'd guess not as much as you think. On the other side of the coin in towns where council do own commercial property they are the first to put the rent up every year without fail. Hardly surprising the private sector do the same.

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