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First HMV and now Blockbuster

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Before I came to live in sheffield, I used to shop at hmv a bit, and have done a bit recently since they started stocking vinyl. its sad there's no music retailer on the high street now (to me anyway, in the same way some people would be sad about the disappearance of book shops)

Luckily here in Sheffield we have some decent record/cd shops with record collector, rare and racy, lp and the one I can't remeber (its very good though) on the debenhams roundabout. I'd be much more gutted if one of those went under.

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It is all the fault of greedy councils.


If rents and parking were cheap, then our high streets would be busy with trade.


Mind you, people need to wake up and smell the coffee, we are in a global depression, only thing left is World War 3.


This is the crux of the issue. I have plenty of friends in dire straits over outrageous rents. It's just greed. There's a shop near me that's been empty for three years. I told them three years that they were too expensive...


If they'd slashed the rent I'd have been in there for the past few years.

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You can't just blame rents for the decline of shops like HMV. In the case of HMV, which hasn't been in great shape for a number of years now, the fact is just not as many people go shopping for CD's and DVD's on the High St anymore. I can't remember the last time I went into HMV and actually purchased a CD or DVD.

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It is a shame and more and more will follow suit, as more and more people will go into a High Street shop look at an item then look for it cheaper online.


And it doesn't help when High Street shops won't always match the cheapest online quote.

It's only gonna get worse.

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I can't either, I remember going in several times to find something only to walk out wondering how they can charge so much.


IIRC Netflix offered Blockbusters a foot in the door to be the UK arm for online streaming a few years ago. Blockbusters declined the opportunity.


Thats beyond stupid.


It's probably worth mentioning that blockbuster worldwide went bust the other year, and the entire lost was sold off for only $225M or so

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Mmmm, my guess will be that some more will follow in the coming months.


One also effects the other as well, HMV, Game and Blockbuster all benefited each other in a sense because they had to compete on price of games and media, now all them are gone so any shops and department stores left will hike up their prices because there is no immediate competition.


We are all going to suffer in some way from now on.

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You can't just blame rents for the decline of shops like HMV. In the case of HMV, which hasn't been in great shape for a number of years now, the fact is just not as many people go shopping for CD's and DVD's on the High St anymore. I can't remember the last time I went into HMV and actually purchased a CD or DVD.


It's not totally fault of councils etc, far from it this case, but I'd be less than surprised to find out that in 12 months time well over half of the units are still empty.

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Is blockbuster UK different to blockbuster US?


No, same company.


One also effects the other as well, HMV, Game and Blockbuster all benefited each other in a sense because they had to compete on price of games and media, now all them are gone so any shops and department stores left will hike up their prices because there is no immediate competition.


We are all going to suffer in some way from now on.


Well except everyone is competing with the online market, and there are many companies online.


I'd say there's far more competition now than there ever has been, and the weaker companies are falling in the face of competition.

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