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Elton john is a dad again!!

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You still need a man's sperm and a woman's ova to create a child. Science hasn't figured out a way round that yet.


Nope..you can do it with somatic cell nuclear transfer...scientifically it'll work but ethically it's not allowed...on humans anyway..

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Moderator Message:


I have had occasion to remove several posts (and those quoting them) from this thread, for nothing short of homophobic rantings. Which in my opinion is no different to racist rantings.


Please keep those kind of comments to yourself, they are not appreciated and not wanted in this forum. If you have a problem with that, then there are alternative forums.


I won't be posting further warnings. Holidays will be issued.


Thank you for your cooperation folks



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I think what it does prove is the strength of how money talks, lets face it if a normal 65 year old bloke announced he'd become a dad he'd be lampooned. Like the post said earlier if Jagger does it, whey hay.


It's like 20 or so years ago if someone had a child outside wedlock the child was a <REMOVED>, then it became popular to say if a celebrity does it, it's a "love child", double standards or what.

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.....................then folks wonder why kids are screwed up. Poor kids. They will have everything and more that money can buy except a normal lifestyle.


Yes, something about this just makes me feel uneasy. I've nothing against same-sex couples bringing up children, but there's of the "we've got everything else, now what else can we buy?" about this. Same with Madonna "acquiring" kids. It's like the children are another bauble with which to decorate their strange lives. The kids will certainly have everything money can throw at them, but a stable upbringing? Not sure about that.


Perhaps there's some sour grapes on my part, as I could never dream of having the type of monetary riches Elton has, but just because you can afford to do something, it doesn't mean you should.


Also, just because other people who are probably ill-suited to parenthood have kids, doesn't mean Elton etc should as well.

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Yes, something about this just makes me feel uneasy. I've nothing against same-sex couples bringing up children, but there's of the "we've got everything else, now what else can we buy?" about this. Same with Madonna "acquiring" kids. It's like the children are another bauble with which to decorate their strange lives. The kids will certainly have everything money can throw at them, but a stable upbringing? Not sure about that.

Perhaps there's some sour grapes on my part, as I could never dream of having the type of monetary riches Elton has, but just because you can afford to do something, it doesn't mean you should.


Also, just because other people who are probably ill-suited to parenthood have kids, doesn't mean Elton etc should as well.


Have you considered a name change-to some thing like Reginald Dwight?

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Same sex couples shouldnt be allowed children, IMO its morally wrong.


Ive nothing against homosexuality - what sexuality people are is there own business however raising a child in that kind of environment is not healthy - can you imagine how much that child is going to get bullied at school due to it? And kids being kids, you can guarantee that will happen. very selfish and certainly not putting the childs best interests first IMO.

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Same sex couples shouldnt be allowed children, IMO its morally wrong.


Ive nothing against homosexuality - what sexuality people are is there own business however raising a child in that kind of environment is not healthy - can you imagine how much that child is going to get bullied at school due to it? And kids being kids, you can guarantee that will happen. very selfish and certainly not putting the childs best interests first IMO.


Do you think that kid will wear a t-shirt alluding to his unusual circumstances?How will other children find out-perhaps a bigot with a loud mouth might discover their secret and spread gossip.You must know someone like this?

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