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Elton john is a dad again!!

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Biology says that if I lose a kidney, or need some other vital organ replacing, I should die. To go one step further, biology says that if I develop any malignant cancer, I should die.


Science says different.


Same thing here.

But you have a spare kidney! :)


---------- Post added 20-01-2013 at 19:32 ----------


Same sex couples shouldnt be allowed children, IMO its morally wrong.


Ive nothing against homosexuality - what sexuality people are is there own business however raising a child in that kind of environment is not healthy - can you imagine how much that child is going to get bullied at school due to it? And kids being kids, you can guarantee that will happen. very selfish and certainly not putting the childs best interests first IMO.

Surely though, if one man is a butch, macho 'top' and the other is a suitably effeminate 'bottom', there's no problem?


---------- Post added 20-01-2013 at 19:33 ----------


Children should be raised by a mother and a father. If 2 men or 2 women are to have a relationship they should accept they can't have children. It's simple biology really.
Well, the women can have children, and quite easily, by simply dressing provocatively and heading down West St. on Friday night in search of drunken men! They could both have babies at the same time! It's much harder for men though.
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That is an argument against all surrogacy. It's not just against same-sex couples. There is a bigger question of what should people be able to buy? The same with Michael Jackson - should people just be able to buy fatherhood?


None of that shows that same-sex couples are uniquely bad, like others are saying; or that Elton's children will be damaged by the choices they have made.


Yeah, you could say that. In this particular case I think my uneasiness is centered around Elton John himself. Not that he's in a same sex partnership, more that he gives the air of someone who has lost touch with reality (same with Michael Jackson, same with Madonna). It's the issue of children as a status symbol, a shiny new toy to show off. "I'm so rich, I can do whatever I like (whether it's a good idea or not....."

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  • 5 months later...

Ive nothing against homosexuality - what sexuality people are is there own business however raising a child in that kind of environment is not healthy - can you imagine how much that child is going to get bullied at school due to it? And kids being kids, you can guarantee that will happen. very selfish and certainly not putting the childs best interests first IMO.


You could have made the exact same argument against an interracial heterosexual couple having a child not so long ago.

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You could have made the exact same argument against an interracial heterosexual couple having a child not so long ago.


exactly and also now.............


single mums, large families and reproducers on benefits etc etc etc

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One of the strongest most devoted families I know has lesbian parents. The children have grown up secure and happy and as adults are a credit to their family.

The sexual orientation of parents is irrelevant if they can give the children a good upbringing. Far better a committed same sex relationship than a different 'uncle' every week and poor parenting.

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