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Work piling up and stress increasing - what do you do?

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I'm having a complete nightmare at work - we've lost all our headcount, my boss is on maternity leave and there is just me left to do the work. A big project just got reprioritised and the deadline moved forward by two weeks. I have no idea how i will get everything done :/


... my typical working day is now 7.30am until 7/8/9pm :( :( :(

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Yes. I bet its you thats cancelled on me

Bit of snow and the country grinds to a halt.

Health and Safety gone mad

only joking. :hihi:


Well I went out this morning with all good intentions slipped on the ice and fell on my arse went to the van and it wont start and to top it all matey rung up saying I don't feel well,so it looks like a day sat in front of the telly for me:roll:

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Well I went out this morning with all good intentions slipped on the ice and fell on my arse went to the van and it wont start and to top it all matey rung up saying I don't feel well,so it looks like a day sat in front of the telly for me:roll:


I'm going to get a protable aerial see if that works :)

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It's a mixture of all three really. It's more the pressure I put on myself because I want to do a good job. It's the harder road to take as so many people cut corners these days especially in my line of work, also clients want jobs done yesterday so it can be stressful.


It sounds like you really take pride in your work and want to do an excellent job. These days, unfortunately, that means that often other areas in your life will have to come second to your work, and sometimes, that also means your own health and wellbeing. You make your choice.


Other people have made their choice to not do such a good job and they will be less stressed than you about the work. It is your choice. To me it sounds like you've made it.


However, there are still little things you can do to re-address the balance. Are you also familiar with the term, 'work smarter, not harder'? Perhaps there are strategies that you could deploy that are smarter? Stepping back and looking at how you work will cost you time but it might pay dividends in the end.


Could you be firmer with your clients who want things doing yesterday? Could you put the ball back in their court and say, 'well I do things very well, so it might take a little longer than someone else doing it but if you want it doing quicker, then you can ask someone else who might not give the same level of dedication/effort that I do', therefore, taking a little less burden off your shoulders. Sometimes things have to give.

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I run myself into the ground a few years ago with work trying to do to much,I ended up having panic attacks and depression,you have to stand back and cool down sometimes or else it catches up with you no matter how hard you think you are your body can only stand so much then it snaps.

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