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Lance Armstrong (LA) no longer Confidential

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The public broadcast care of fireproof Oprah wasn't an experience Armstrong ducked although his arrival was far too late.


The same old toughness that saw him approach and maintain his career at the top of professional cycling was still there. For those who wanted to diss Oprah as being far too soft an option and sure to see lots of blubbing, how disappointed are they now? After all, she included Walsh in her questioning.


Armstrong, surely the best athlete with or without the PEDs, remained in control of himself, explained it although it's hard to understand his win at any cost mentality. But then again he was part of an era where they all dabbled, tried and benefitted from an array of substances, only one of which was hard bike riding.


Now is the time for truth. We finally got to see Armstrong admit it. What follows should be reconciliation. I for one don't want to exhibit the same cruelty that Armstrong showed to his critics, the ones telling the truth.


I forgive him. I accept what he did. I think his cancer work far outweighs any personal achievement or bad deed within the sport. It is only a sport whereas the cancer work is a far more important matter.


I call it perspective.


Erase the record books. Take back the medals. But no one is demanding a return of the cancer donation money he raised in the millions of dollars and that lead to the saving and comforting of who knows how many lives.


We should remember that. In that respect he did a tremendous good. In the sport he did a tremendous harm.


But cycling is not a matter of lfie or death.


Cancer is.

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He claims he was trying to create a "level playing field". That includes threatening and suing people who tried to expose the truth. That's unforgivable.


I'm not good enough to complete in competitive cycling, perhaps I should take some drugs too to make it level? Or how about crippling the other competitors - that would make it more level.

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Erase the record books. Take back the medals. But no one is demanding a return of the cancer donation money he raised in the millions of dollars and that lead to the saving and comforting of who knows how many lives.


We should remember that. In that respect he did a tremendous good. In the sport he did a tremendous harm.


But cycling is not a matter of lfie or death.


Cancer is.


He was able to do good on the back of tremendous harm..he conned you and everyone else. Yes carry on with good, but by someone else who is deserving.


I doubt you would be so forgiving if after finding he molested children, at the same time generating money to go towards the well being of the same children..as a metaphor.


He did tremendous harm for the sport as well as the charities I would guess, unless someone can provide evidence the charities donations have increased because of his infamy.


A dirty cheat is a dirty cheat.

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The public broadcast care of fireproof Oprah wasn't an experience Armstrong ducked although his arrival was far too late.


The same old toughness that saw him approach and maintain his career at the top of professional cycling was still there. For those who wanted to diss Oprah as being far too soft an option and sure to see lots of blubbing, how disappointed are they now? After all, she included Walsh in her questioning.


Armstrong, surely the best athlete with or without the PEDs, remained in control of himself, explained it although it's hard to understand his win at any cost mentality. But then again he was part of an era where they all dabbled, tried and benefitted from an array of substances, only one of which was hard bike riding.


Now is the time for truth. We finally got to see Armstrong admit it. What follows should be reconciliation. I for one don't want to exhibit the same cruelty that Armstrong showed to his critics, the ones telling the truth.


I forgive him. I accept what he did. I think his cancer work far outweighs any personal achievement or bad deed within the sport. It is only a sport whereas the cancer work is a far more important matter.


I call it perspective.


Erase the record books. Take back the medals. But no one is demanding a return of the cancer donation money he raised in the millions of dollars and that lead to the saving and comforting of who knows how many lives.


We should remember that. In that respect he did a tremendous good. In the sport he did a tremendous harm.


But cycling is not a matter of lfie or death.


Cancer is.



Surely “truth” has to be the whole truth, not just the bits he wants to admit (and that we pretty much knew anyway).


What about, for example,


1 Did he admit to having used drugs when asked by his cancer doctor? (The whole Betsy Andreu stuff). He basically refused to answer this.

2 Did he give money to the UCI before he retired (and not just after)


...and there are lots more.


We (by we, I don't mean us on the forums, I mean cycling and its governing bodies, WADA, USADA, people who has wronged etc) cannot even think about reconciliation until the truth phase has been completed. As of now, we are still a long way from that

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The public broadcast.......


Are you Max Hastings working on his behalf? Armstrong won his Tours because he doped. He doped because he wanted to win at any cost and despite the rules. He lied about it and thereatened others who accused him. Not everyone was doing it. I hope he gets bankrupted for what he has done. Spin and PR can't save him.

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Are you Max Hastings working on his behalf? Armstrong won his Tours because he doped. He doped because he wanted to win at any cost and despite the rules. He lied about it and thereatened others who accused him. Not everyone was doing it. I hope he gets bankrupted for what he has done. Spin and PR can't save him.



What he/she said!!

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meh to the lot of it - lance is only the highest profile cheat who got caught, and that only because he was stupidly arrogant in the way he treated his team. it's not like it doesn't happen in every sport to this day.


he should have employed the football defence - blame cheating on the officials for not seeing it when it happens, but don't blame the cheats themselves. they're only doing what they're contractually obliged to do - winning at any cost. brendan rodgers comments about suarez made it clear what he'd done wrong was admit to cheating, not cheating itself.


anyone caught doing any cheating should be banned from ever playing sport again for money - it should be a one-time, no exceptions, not a single blemish privelige to get money for doing what is basically a hobby.


and anyone taking cash for sport should be doing blood tests at least once a week - they don't like it, they can work in a factory.


meh grrr and meh again.

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Lance Armstrong should now get into debt, as he should pay back his entire winnings plus all the sponsorship money.


Then he should go to prison for perjury because he lied under oath. That's some kind of justice for all those cyclists whose careers he robbed and all the people he betrayed. But like he said he will be trying to win back trust for the rest of his life, and so it should be.

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