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Braulio Seminar & New Gracie Barra Opening In Sheffield City Centre

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Looks like you've put your time in training, funny how none of its in bjj!?! Don't see you wanting to teach those styles.


To be honest you can have the name and do with it all you like, I hope you make lots of money off it. My goal is to progress in the sport I do, not be the best in town.


I've not seen anyone mention us rolling EVER!


I've trained at most Gracie Barra schools and been tap by many, hell even my guys tap me(from time to time:D ). I've trained with Pep at Shoot, he's tapped me does he try to promo his club on it? Means jack! Technical ability has nothing to do with how many people you tap or how long you last.


I have nothing to prove, your the one telling everyone how talented you are all the time and nobodys debated it. So get on with teaching what you know.


I have no insecurity about my talant and only look to better it with includes bringing in a more talented instructor in my martial art to teach.

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I won't say anything for/against either of you as I'd like to train at both clubs, but I will say that any disputes/arguments between you both would probably be better dealt with in PM as it doesn't look good for either club :(

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Your right its not for the forum and to be honest I dont usually get sucked in.


I'll agree to disagree. It safe to say that I dont think if and when there is two Gracie Barras in Sheffield I'll have much to do with Brian and his club. A shame as I tried to be proffessional about two clubs and made the effort.


My advace to anyone wanting to train in bjj is to try both clubs and Steve in Dronfield. We're all different and do the sport for different reasons.


All due respect to Brian and what he's done, does and hopes to acheive.



PS I'm starting a tai boxing school next week!!!:hihi:

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For me training bjj is about having fun. i don't want to be an MMA fighter (good luck training takedowns, submissions, clinch, wrestling, guardwork and striking to anyone who does) I don't have any designs on being the next abu dahbi grappling champion, and I really don't think that i'll ever require my training for self defense. BJJ is fun to me because you get to learn about body mechanics, balance,leverage and a bunch of other stuff that most likely sounds the opposite of cool but gives me a tremendous kick. I've been training for roughly 6 months and it's been 3 months since I got any satisfaction from tapping anyone out. Its all about the half guard sweeps for me :cool:


The reason that I've developed this attitude is because of where I have trained (including Barra Sheffield) and the people who have trained with me. A teacher should not be judged by his ability to tap people out but by his ability to pass on his knowledge and by giving us a reason to train other than those listed above, which are ultimately fruitless. I blame students thinking otherwise at least partly for this whole mess!

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For me training bjj is about having fun. i don't want to be an MMA fighter (good luck training takedowns, submissions, clinch, wrestling, guardwork and striking to anyone who does) I don't have any designs on being the next abu dahbi grappling champion, and I really don't think that i'll ever require my training for self defense. BJJ is fun to me because you get to learn about body mechanics, balance,leverage and a bunch of other stuff that most likely sounds the opposite of cool but gives me a tremendous kick. I've been training for roughly 6 months and it's been 3 months since I got any satisfaction from tapping anyone out. Its all about the half guard sweeps for me :cool:


The reason that I've developed this attitude is because of where I have trained (including Barra Sheffield) and the people who have trained with me. A teacher should not be judged by his ability to tap people out but by his ability to pass on his knowledge and by giving us a reason to train other than those listed above, which are ultimately fruitless. I blame students thinking otherwise at least partly for this whole mess!


top attitude as far as i'm concerned - a refreshing change!

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1st of all i train my A**S off


What's this word? Arms? It'll be a bit hard to train without them.


Anyway, let's all get along. Like the Get Along Gang. Anyone remember those, or am I showing my age (which I know for a fact is still younger than over half of you)?


Er...yeah. Jiu-Jitsu. Good stuff. Get down to all three clubs and decide for yourself that Barra is best. etc.

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