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Honest opinions wanted on my music


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Hi, I've just completed my debut Album Attic Wednesdays by Munch (see https://www.facebook.com/munchdemo, http://www.youtube.com/user/munchdemo or itunes). I'd like some honest feedback on whether you think its any good or not. Its just me recording it all in my attic. If anyone wants to write a review or just pick their favourite song, that would be great too. Just be honest (please don't be mean though or I'll cry!!:(). Feedback so far is that the best song is Smile, but I'm counting on you telling me what you think. Thanks for your help. Munch.

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Hey Munch,



I'll weigh in if you like!


You can obviously play - the guitar work is strong throughout. Your voice (while not always pitch perfect) suits the punky numbers down to the ground, especially with the Buzzcocks-esque 'How do you know'. You've got some decent riffs, I was also impressed by the solos which stay the right side of tasteful! 'Smile' caught me by surprise, for my money the strongest song you've got there. I think you've captured the acoustic-driven numbers better in general.


The quality of recording isn't great. I appreciate it is a home recorded job, but if you're putting it up on iTunes then you're really aiming for a commercial standard. It's particularly noticeable on the drum tracks (midi?), though there's points where the guitar sound really grates too. Besides looking at some better production, there's not a huge deal to criticise! A few of the tracks are a bit same-y - I think you could have more impact with a smaller number of tracks cut down to the absolute best.


Source: I work with an Artist Development company in Sheffield - work with a lot of unsigned acts around the UK. If you'd like to chat in a bit more depth shoot me a PM, or you can get in touch with me or a colleague over at the Sound Consultancy website.


Keep it up!




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I like it - well most of the songs anyway. My favourite is probably 'Ordinary World' - very catchy and upbeat! Smile, Sing and How Do You Know are also pretty good; not as keen on Fragile System (a little heavy for my delicate taste!)


Am impressed if it is just you recording in your attic!!

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