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What's the difference between Communism and Fascism?

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If you're Jewish, Catholic or a person of colour you have no place in a Fascist society


If you're Jewish, Catholic or a person of colour you are welcome in a Communist society


True. When it comes to purges, Communism offers equal opportunity slaughter.


Mass killings under Communist regimes


Between 85 and 100 million dead.


Although Jewish and Catholic people might have been tolerated, their religion often was not:


The Soviet Union was the first state to have, as an ideological objective, the elimination of religion and its replacement with universal atheism. The communist regime confiscated religious property, ridiculed religion, harassed believers, and propagated atheism in schools.


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I do hope you are feeling much better now you've got all that off your chest.


I am reminded of “None so blind as those that will not see.”


What issues in his post did you find the most interesting, the reference to paedophilia,my presumed worship of Hitler, my "warped morals" my assumed views on abortion or the narrow views religious people have? as opposed to the broader views of the more liberal minded moral atheists like yourself?


There are too many issues to deal with in the post you refer to on a thread about Communism and Fascism so i'll decline your suggestion of supplying anything meaningful for the time being, if you don't mind.


Perhaps you have something meaningful to offer on the thread topic instead?


This is a forum. If you can't be bothered coming back with an argument then that's your decision. I have mainly quoted facts and my interpretation of them to argue that organised religion - in this case Catholicism - is hypocritical. Either debate or don't but taking your ball home isn't going to change anyone's mind.


Interesting addendum; http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jan/21/vatican-secret-property-empire-mussolini


"How the Vatican built a secret property empire using Mussolini's millions".

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Interesting addendum; http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jan/21/vatican-secret-property-empire-mussolini


"How the Vatican built a secret property empire using Mussolini's millions".


Very juicy. It seems the Vatican uses the same protections of company law as the Queen - hiding their investments, and therefore any conflicts of interest, behind unaccountable nominee accounts.


Perhaps we shouldn't be surprised an institution of such sordid history would use such a law to its advantage. Perhaps it's time we changed that mother humpin' law.

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Either debate or don't but taking your ball home isn't going to change anyone's mind.


Debating with someone with your attitude and mindset is impossible.

It seems apparant that you have only one agenda and that is to promote atheisim because in your bigoted closed minded prejudice all you can visualise is an impossible idealism where the world would be a perfect eutopia with only atheists in it.

With that notion you are completely deceiving yourself!


You choose to attack, attach blame and victimise anyone associated with religion,in an effort to make them feel that if they have any association with an organised religion they are complicit in any wrong it has done in its past or present (although come to think of its usually only Christianity you appear to attack for some reason) can you explain why that is?


I would only expect you to concentrate your attention on focusing on the faults in religion and to completely disregard any good deeds because thats your one single intention isn't it.

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Debating with someone with your attitude and mindset is impossible.

It seems apparant that you have only one agenda and that is to promote atheisim because in your bigoted closed minded prejudice all you can visualise is an impossible idealism where the world would be a perfect eutopia with only atheists in it.

With that notion you are completely deceiving yourself!


You choose to attack, attach blame and victimise anyone associated with religion,in an effort to make them feel that if they have any association with an organised religion they are complicit in any wrong it has done in its past or present (although come to think of its usually only Christianity you appear to attack for some reason) can you explain why that is?


I would only expect you to concentrate your attention on focusing on the faults in religion and to completely disregard any good deeds because thats your one single intention isn't it.


I am being accused of deceiving myself by someone who believes in god.


I am not the only one debating on here. The thread is to debate communism and fascism. Someone introduced religion into the debate. I pointed out the very strong links between Catholicism and fascism.


I am an atheist. God doesn't exist. If individuals want to have religious beliefs then they are free to do so and I don't oppose that. It (sometimes) makes for a good debate when they want to have one. What I oppose is the power that comes from organised religion of whatever faith. That is power that affects laws in this country and power over individuals in religious organisations.


As a Catholic you choose to ignore the debate on here. You cannot deny or hide the fact that the Catholic Church has had links with Hitler, has protected paedophiles who've abused children and has done loads of other evil things down the years. As you won't face up to the evil your Church has been responsible for you get into a hissy-fit, stomp your feet and refuse to play by the rules. That is immature.

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There's some interesting information on this thread and I thank those who have contributed.


Does anyone know what the respective ideologies views are towards some of the key day-to-day issues. For example, Health Service (I seem to think Cubas is excellent), employment (I seem to recall Nazi Germany reduced unemployment considerably), Education, Housing, Small business etc.


Lots of details on wikipedia:




and its not as straight forward right/left as many would try to say nowadays - there's a reason the party was called National Socialism and usually socialism is considered a left-wing idea. I always think of them of a mix of ideas from both the left and the right.

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There's some interesting information on this thread and I thank those who have contributed.


Does anyone know what the respective ideologies views are towards some of the key day-to-day issues. For example, Health Service (I seem to think Cubas is excellent), employment (I seem to recall Nazi Germany reduced unemployment considerably), Education, Housing, Small business etc.


I saw an excellent documentary series about Hitler's Germany called 'The Nazi's: A warning from history' (link below). One of the main things that came out of the series was a sense that Hitler would simply rant and rave at his top Nazis and it would be up to them to interpret from his speeches what his political or military vision for Nazism was. The result was a mish mash of policies that varied from region to region so I'd imagine it's quite difficult to define Nazism.



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in the dim and distant past when i studied politics i remember reading an article by some professor or other who said something along the lines of - people think of right and left wing as being different points on a straight line - it isn't - if you picture the political spectrum as an arch or a broken circle you will see that those on the extreme edges are quite close to each other


he went on to give examples of similarities between the political philosophies but i've long since forgotten them

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in the dim and distant past when i studied politics i remember reading an article by some professor or other who said something along the lines of - people think of right and left wing as being different points on a straight line - it isn't - if you picture the political spectrum as an arch or a broken circle you will see that those on the extreme edges are quite close to each other


he went on to give examples of similarities between the political philosophies but i've long since forgotten them


Those in the centre ground are all close to each other too. New Labour under Blair was always just a milimeter to the Tories' left. Blair did that so he could hold the political centre ground. There are no political philosophies that are completely different to all others. Left-wing and right-wing libertarians share common ground in wanting to reduce the size of the state. Anarchists do so too as does the US Tea Party but they don't have much else in common.

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I am being accused of deceiving myself by someone who believes in god.


I am not the only one debating on here. The thread is to debate communism and fascism. Someone introduced religion into the debate. I pointed out the very strong links between Catholicism and fascism.


I am an atheist. God doesn't exist. If individuals want to have religious beliefs then they are free to do so and I don't oppose that. It (sometimes) makes for a good debate when they want to have one. What I oppose is the power that comes from organised religion of whatever faith. That is power that affects laws in this country and power over individuals in religious organisations.


As a Catholic you choose to ignore the debate on here. You cannot deny or hide the fact that the Catholic Church has had links with Hitler, has protected paedophiles who've abused children and has done loads of other evil things down the years. As you won't face up to the evil your Church has been responsible for you get into a hissy-fit, stomp your feet and refuse to play by the rules. That is immature.

You can't prove that God doesn't exist,but this isn't a debate about that,they're are numerous other threads about that subject and you only have to do a quick search to find them and contribute further to them.


If you would prefer the religious subject to be aimed at only one single religion you are free to start a new thread at any time if you choose and specifically aim at Catholicism if you wish, the religion you have demonstrated you have the most distaste for.


Finally speaking of identity in respect of religious association,i have made it aware that i have a reason for identifying with Catholicism,and by that statement you assume i am a Catholic.

Don't you think you ought to think a little before jumping to conclusions about other people.

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