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Tory complains at high prices in parliamentary dining rooms

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am i missing a point, or is it being argued that the market economy should not apply here


i know MPs of all persuasions often seem to believe that the real world shouldn't be applied to them, but here we have a business which doesn't appear to have much demand for its services, is losing money and only surviving due to public subsidy


i must have misunderstood conservative party policy


It's the caf' in their workplace, not party policy. Though looking at the OP you'd be forgiven for thinking otherwise. :P

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just for clarification, my last post on this was a bit tongue in cheek


i'm not interested in school yard party politics and don't support any of the parties represented in parliament. i do support some of the policies of all of them


i do know it isn't a party political issue (notwithstanding the attempts of some to make it one!). the opposition to removing the subsidy doesn't just come from the opposition - mps of all hues believe it to be fair and reasonable - that is why it hasn't been removed - it isn't within cameron's power to remove it - it is up to the mps themselves


on this specific issue i don't see why their meals should be susidised by us - they get paid a decent salary, they get generous expense allowances to enable them to do their job properly, why do they need us to pay towards their food and drink as well?


does anyone seriously believe that the availability of subsidised alcohol makes for better laws?

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just for clarification, my last post on this was a bit tongue in cheek




does anyone seriously believe that the availability of subsidised alcohol makes for better laws?


Point taken and accepted. :)



We'll be sending Bruce Willis to blow up meteors before finding anyone who think their general canteen subsidy is a good idea - except MP's and I suspect that those who do are like hens' teeth.

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