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Living with AIDS

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Hi, Im Bob and ive got AIDS.

I was diagnosed with HIV some time ago and sadly for me its developed into full blown AIDS.

Im not expected to live for very long now and really need my family around me.

Unfortunately they've disowned and will no longer speak to me

Cousins, brothers, sister, mum, dad theyve all stopped talking to me.

Some of them weren't happy with my lifestyle choice, my mum says its karma,

Perhaps shes right. Perhaps this is what i deserve.

It depresses me greatly.

Not the AIDS, we all have to die some time but being without my family makes me question my ability to carry on. I mean what's the point if ive got no one to share my remaining days with?

Thank you for reading.



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Hi, Im Bob and ive got AIDS.

I was diagnosed with HIV some time ago and sadly for me its developed into full blown AIDS.

Im not expected to live for very long now and really need my family around me.

Unfortunately they've disowned and will no longer speak to me

Cousins, brothers, sister, mum, dad theyve all stopped talking to me.

Some of them weren't happy with my lifestyle choice, my mum says its karma,

Perhaps shes right. Perhaps this is what i deserve.

It depresses me greatly.

Not the AIDS, we all have to die some time but being without my family makes me question my ability to carry on. I mean what's the point if ive got no one to share my remaining days with?

Thank you for reading.




Hi Bob, I think your family have done a despicable thing to you, it's at a time like this you need them. I had awful things said to me, when I had open heart surgery, you can choose your friends, not your family.


I hope you have some sort of reconciliation, but it is they who are the losers, it may not seem that way now but it will.


I can't say I know what you're going through I don't, but I can wish you all the best fella.

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Hi Bob, whatever your lifestyle choices, you don't deserve this illness, so please don't think you do.


Are there absolutely no members of your family you can turn to for support? Not even one, even if it's a 'less close' relative? If you can stay close to just one relative then at least they will often 'relay' how you're doing, and can sometimes persuade the others to have a change of heart.


I hope you do surround yourself with people who do want to support you. Have you tried here:





People on the forum are excellent and will support you how they can.

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When you get attitudes such as the ones you have encountered from your family members, Rob, there's a saying that I have as a motto in situations like this:-


It's all a case of "Mind over matter"...


"Those who matter, don't mind, and those who mind don't matter!"


You don't deserve AIDS. No-one does. I hope that you have a sympathetic specialist who is helping you with the medications and treatments necessary.


And it's not a matter of "Lifestyle choices"... because that separates AIDS into "Good AIDS" and "Bad AIDS". it's not about HOW someone contracted AIDS, it's about that it's an (*expletive*) of a condition, that is incredibly misunderstood, and attracts a lot of prejudice.


I heartily agree with your point, Mr Bloom, about contacting Shield. Excellent organisation.


All the best to you, Rob.



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Hi, Im Bob and ive got AIDS.

I was diagnosed with HIV some time ago and sadly for me its developed into full blown AIDS.

Im not expected to live for very long now and really need my family around me.

Unfortunately they've disowned and will no longer speak to me

Cousins, brothers, sister, mum, dad theyve all stopped talking to me.

Some of them weren't happy with my lifestyle choice, my mum says its karma,

Perhaps shes right. Perhaps this is what i deserve.

It depresses me greatly.

Not the AIDS, we all have to die some time but being without my family makes me question my ability to carry on. I mean what's the point if ive got no one to share my remaining days with?

Thank you for reading.





So did your families reaction come as a devastating shock or were you aware of their Redneck hick mountain trailer mentality before you contracted aids?


You have the forum to share your remaining days with..well, once you get to know us that is.

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Hi Bob, Im a lung cancer survivor, nearly 5 years now but still I take life one day at a time. Forget the 'No hope', it aint over 'til the fat lady sings.

Count me in as one of your family, I dont ask questions, I give support.

Support groups are fantastic, they are non-judgemental and they tend to understand. I started off as a no-hoper, but each day my chances improved. Lung cancer is frowned upon, its a 'dirty smokers disease'. I heard it all, but it was all said behind my back. Smoking is a lifestyle choice, I chose to smoke and risked the odds, foolish I know but **** happens.

A good few forummers will be your 'cyber family', myself, PlainTalker and a good few more. Ignore the idiots, you dont need 'em.

You didnt ask for, or deserve AIDS. Only a lunatic would say you did. PM me anytime, I dont mind.

You are not 'on your own'.


Big Hugs to you my friend.

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